About SteamEd

Steam Ed is an online community of teachers and markers, focused on creating open source code, lesson plans and other resources designed for all learners. We use sandbox IDLEs (integrated developmental learning environments) such as:

To inspire future developers young and old to become creative technologists.

What is this repo?

A collection of course content, code examples and tutorials created by our members. Please email (this inbox) to find out more information.

Courses by teachers

Here you will find content created by our teachers, each course is run over a spefic during and is made bespoke by tour teachers. They all have a passion for technonlogy and are highly qualified in their respective fields.

Christopher Moss


Chris is an educational technologist with a background in philosophy. Over the last seven years in edtech he has given tutorials and designed courses that empower young learners to create with code. He has run sessions in some of the top prep schools in London, and is passionate about sharing his love for technology.

Course Outline

  • Introduction to coding

  • Programming concepts

  • Scripting languages

  • Creating applications

  • Developing and publishing

Computational thinking:

The objective of this course is to provide an introduction to coding. It aims to inspire students to create, learn and share using code. We will explore a number of different frameworks, platforms and coding languages depending on the student’s level and interests. By the end of the course, students will have coded some form of application that can run in the browser.

Introduction to coding:

We will look at different ways to ‘make’ using code, from creating browser applications to coding for visual arts and design. Programming concepts: Here we will look at the programming concepts that underpin most coding languages

Scripting languages:

Focusing on Javascript and Python, we will look at how scripting languages can be used to solve complex problems.

Creating applications:

How are applications made? After the student chooses a mini project or problem they’d like to solve, we’ll code a solution.
Sharing and development: Once the project is finished, we will look at ways to deploy and share our work.

Course Length: Five Hours (11+)

Code examples

What would you like to create?

    echo "Hello world!";