
Test repository for NevisQ

Primary LanguageGo

Go Test

Question 1. Subsequences

This one was hard for me, as my maths are no match for my go/CS skills. I first thought Cnp but I don't trust my math skills (I was fooled by the thought "the sequence is ordered, so it can't be that simple").

So I tried to enumerate a few subsequences on paper, which lead to writing a Go function that counts subsequences recursively (CountSubSequences in subseq.go). Then I wrote a test to verify if it's Cnp... and it is :-)

Questions 2 and 3. Substrings

It was fun. I chose to implement an algorithm to limit comparisons as much as I could. I don't remember the name, I've seen it mentioned once and though it was "clever". Maybe one day I'll have a need for it, other than flexing to you :-)

Best case time complexity should be in the order of O(m/n + n) (search string of length n in string of length m)! However it must allocate some memory to hold a backtrack map, so there's no point in benchmarking it against the super optimized strings.Contains().

How it's working

Imagine just checking characters at random. If I'm looking for the string "hello" and a random comparison gives me an o, I may want to backtrack by 5 chars and try for hello. If it's an l, I'll backtrack by 4 (not 3) and try to match hello.

Now keep this principle but test every nth character instead of testing at random and that's basically the algorithm.

Here is a trace of it looking for "small string" in "is a substring of not so small string":

Comparing at index 0
is a substring of not so small string
small string
I would backtrack by 9 because there is a 'i', but no backtrack below index 1
advancing from 0 by 12

Comparing at index 12
is a substring of not so small string
small string
backtracking by 10 to 2 because it's an 'n'
Will then refuse to backtrack below 2

Comparing at index 2
is a substring of not so small string
small string
I would backtrack by 5 because there is a ' ', but no backtrack below index 2
advancing from 2 by 12

Comparing at index 14
is a substring of not so small string
small string
backtracking by 5 to 9 because it's an ' '
Will then refuse to backtrack below 9

Comparing at index 9
is a substring of not so small string
small string
I would backtrack by 7 because there is a 't', but no backtrack below index 9
advancing from 9 by 12

Comparing at index 21
is a substring of not so small string
small string
backtracking by 5 to 16 because it's an ' '
Will then refuse to backtrack below 16

Comparing at index 16
is a substring of not so small string
small string
advancing from 16 by 12

Comparing at index 28
is a substring of not so small string
small string
backtracking by 4 to 24 because it's an 'l'
Will then refuse to backtrack below 24

Comparing at index 24
is a substring of not so small string
small string
I would backtrack by 5 because there is a ' ', but no backtrack below index 24
advancing from 24 by 12

Comparing at index 36
is a substring of not so small string
small string
backtracking by 11 to 25 because it's an 'g'
Will then refuse to backtrack below 25

Comparing at index 25
is a substring of not so small string
small string
Strings matched after 12 comparisons
ok      chris-hartwig.com/seq   0.262s

Only 23 comparisons to find a string of 12 in 37 chars! That's much better than O(m.n) or even O(m) despite the many backtracks.

Running the thing

go test . to just run the tests, or go test if you want the output to see it working...