
Encode x Urbit Hackathon Jan 2023 - Winner Best Defi Intergration

Primary Languagehoon


Community Finance


Collective enables people to come together to form an investment club on Urbit. The originator of the club sets the initial parameters, such as:

  • Name of the club
  • Maximum investment threshold
  • Initial members

Once these are set from the front end, you click create fund button and an instance of the investment club will be minted and deployed onto Uqbar - an Urbit native L2 zkSTARK rollup.

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Members can then deposit zigs and receive 1:1 shares to zigs to represent there ownership in the fund. private group is spun up with a poke to the new Groups and only the members of the fund are allowed into the room.

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  • A fake zod (ship) with Urbit runtime > 1.12
  • Landscape and Groups 2
  • The Uqbar Suite
  • NodeJS > 14

Local Desk development

  1. create a fakeship outside of the cloned repo

    ./urbit -F zod
  2. start the fakeship

    ./urbit zod
  3. on the fakeship create a %collective desk

    |mount %base
    |merge %collective our %base
    |mount %collective
  4. start a watcher in a new terminal, to sync the novel code into the fakeship

    watch rsync -zr --delete /location/of/collective/desk/* /path/to/fake/zod/collective
  5. install %collective on the fakeship

    |commit %collective
    |install %collective


Clone this repo, switch to the ui directory and run:

npm install


npm start

Learn More

To learn app development on Urbit and Uqbar, follow the guides here: