A PHP-based generator for messages conforming to the IRC protocol as described in RFC 1459.
The recommended method of installation is through composer.
"minimum-stability": "dev",
"require": {
"phergie/phergie-irc-generator": "1.0.0"
- Minimal dependencies: PHP 5.3.3+
- Simple easy-to-understand API
$generator = new \Phergie\Irc\Generator();
$messages = $generator->ircPass('password')
. $generator->ircNick('nick')
. $generator->ircUser('username', 'hostname', 'servername', 'realname')
. $generator->ircJoin('#channel1,#channel2')
. $generator->ircPrivsmg('#channel1', 'Hello world!');
echo $messages;
PASS :password
NICK :nick
USER username hostname servername :realname
JOIN :#channel1,#channel2
PRIVMSG #channel1 :Hello world!
To run the unit test suite:
cd tests
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
./vendor/bin/phpunit Phergie/Irc/GeneratorTest.php
Released under the BSD License. See LICENSE
Check out #phergie on irc.freenode.net.