HOW TO USE ---------- First, do a build: $ ant Now parse the Apache access.log with the BritishMuseumEventLogProducer, to generate the event-log.csv file: $ java -jar dist/event-parser.jar org.createlab.log.event.BritishMuseumEventLogProducer /Users/chris/Downloads/BritishMuseumApacheLogs/logs/access.log Next, we need to sort the event-log.csv file: $ sort -g event-log.csv > event-log-sorted.csv Now run the BritishMuseumStatsGenerator on the sorted event log to produce the stats: $ java -jar dist/event-parser.jar org.createlab.log.event.BritishMuseumStatsGenerator event-log-sorted.csv You can now upload the event log and stats table to Fusion Tables, or whatever. --------------------------------------------------------------------- PROCESSING THE CMNH LOGS --------------------------------------------------------------------- Start by editing the access.log file and stripping out all of log records prior to 2012-11-20. Then do the following... $ java -jar dist/event-parser.jar org.createlab.log.event.LogFileProcessor /Users/chris/Downloads/CMNHApacheLogs/access.log --list-event-types 16:41:50,327 [main] DEBUG: LogFileProcessor.printTypes(/Users/chris/Downloads/CMNHApacheLogs/access.log) Number of lines processed = 208663 idle-screen-hidden idle-screen-visible init-finish init-start media-ended media-panel-close media-pause media-play media-time-changed nav-interest-point nav-move-finish nav-move-start nav-reset-home-view nav-tap nav-theme-change themes-panel-drawer-close themes-panel-drawer-open $ java -jar dist/event-parser.jar org.createlab.log.event.CmnhEventLogProducer /Users/chris/Downloads/CMNHApacheLogs/access.log Found [23727] events for type [nav-move-finish] Found [759] events for type [media-panel-close] Found [1199] events for type [idle-screen-visible] Found [100] events for type [init-finish] Found [772] events for type [media-pause] Found [3242] events for type [nav-theme-change] Found [5994] events for type [nav-reset-home-view] Found [4428] events for type [nav-interest-point] Found [316] events for type [media-ended] Found [2188] events for type [themes-panel-drawer-close] Found [772] events for type [media-play] Found [2374] events for type [themes-panel-drawer-open] Found [266] events for type [media-time-changed] Found [23730] events for type [nav-move-start] Found [100] events for type [init-start] Found [1308] events for type [idle-screen-hidden] Found [4993] events for type [nav-tap] $ sort -g event-log.csv > event-log-sorted.csv Now manually strip out all occurences of the following from event-log-sorted.csv: * http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%2Fmedia%2F46684%2Faudio%2F * http%3A%2F%2F127.0.0.1%2Fmedia%2F46684%2Fvideo%2F * http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fmedia%2F46684%2Faudio%2F * http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%2Fmedia%2F46684%2Fvideo%2F $ java -jar dist/event-parser.jar org.createlab.log.event.CmnhStatsGenerator event-log-sorted.csv 17:46:48,790 [main] DEBUG: LogFileProcessor.parse(event-log-sorted.csv) Found [100] events for type [INIT_START] Found [23727] events for type [NAV_MOVE_FINISH] Found [266] events for type [MEDIA_TIME_CHANGED] Found [1199] events for type [IDLE_SCREEN_VISIBLE] Found [23730] events for type [NAV_MOVE_START] Found [772] events for type [MEDIA_PLAY] Found [100] events for type [INIT_FINISH] Found [3242] events for type [NAV_THEME_CHANGE] Found [2188] events for type [THEMES_PANEL_DRAWER_CLOSE] Found [4993] events for type [NAV_TAP] Found [316] events for type [MEDIA_ENDED] Found [1308] events for type [IDLE_SCREEN_HIDDEN] Found [759] events for type [MEDIA_PANEL_CLOSE] Found [4428] events for type [NAV_INTEREST_POINT] Found [5994] events for type [NAV_RESET_HOME_VIEW] Found [772] events for type [MEDIA_PAUSE] Found [2374] events for type [THEMES_PANEL_DRAWER_OPEN]