SeTTS: Session Type Test Synthesis

Compiling the sources

  1. You will need:
    • a Java SE Development Kit (recommended: version 11 LTS)
    • sbt 1.5.0
  2. From the main folder containing this file, execute the command:
      sbt compile


The remainder of this file explains:

Writing a Specification

T = Int(g) | String(g) | Bool(g) | ...
P = x:T, ..., x':T'
S = +{!l(P)<p>.S, ...} | &{?l(P)<A>.S, ...} | rex X.S | X | end

The variables x,...,x' are pairwise distinct and are categorised by the corresponding sort T, which is a data type annotated with an optional generator g. We assume a finite set of data types, including standard types (e.g., Int, String, etc. ) and user-defined types.

The communication units of our syntax are the output and input prefixes, respectively !l(P) and ?l(P) with a message label l and message payload description P; the message payload P, in turn, assigns a variable name and a sort to the message contents. Assertions A are boolean expressions that may refer to the variables occurring in preceding payload descriptions.

An internal choice allows the test driver to choose the continuation of the protocol; more precisely, in +{!l(P)[A].S, ...} the driver selects the k-th option with probability p for some k in the set, compute a payload value v satisfying the description P, and send the corresponding output message !l(v) to the other party; then, the protocol continues as specified in S.

In an external choice &{?l(P)[A].S, ...}, the test driver instead waits to receive some message ?l(P), for any k chosen by the other SUT; so, if the k-th input ?l(P) is received, the variables in P are instantiated with the payload of the received message, and the assertion A is checked under such instantiation; if the assertion holds, the party continues according to S. Both external choices and internal choice bind the variables that appear in the assertions occurring on their branches and in their continuations.


The source code of all examples is available under the examples/ directory.

To run the following examples make sure that the source code is compiled by running:

sbt examples/compile

This will automatically generate the test drivers together with other files required by the driver itself.


To start the application run:

mvn spring-boot:run

To execute the generated tests, run:

sbt "project examples" "runMain examples.petclinic.Wrapper"

This will interact with the pet-clinic application to test the system. To increase the number of iterations go to the respective wrapper and change the parameter (currently set to 3).

To change the session type you can do so here.