FluxBucket — Challenge

This is a simple application that takes orders from listed products. It is built with Laravel, Vue 3 & Inertia.

🚧 Prerequisites

Given this project requires only a default Laravel install, I have opted out of using Laravel Sail (Docker) in favor of a more lightweight "setup" approach. This means you'll need to have the following installed on your machine:

  • Any PHP 8 version (e.g. 8.2.2)
  • Composer 2 (e.g. 2.5.3)
  • Node 16 or 18 (project is nvm ready)

🚀 Get Started

To get started, you'll need to clone this repository and run the commands below:

# Step 1: Run the setup script
# The setup command is a custom script that...
#   1. installs Laravel dependencies
#   2. copies the .env.example to .env
#   3. generates your local encryption key
#   4. creates the SQLite database file
#   5. runs the migrations
#   6. seeds the database with some dummy data
#   7. installs the "frontend dependencies"
npm run setup

# Step 2: Serve the application
# Use the "artisan serve" command to 
# serve the app on port 8000.
php artisan serve --port 8000

# Optional: Install the frontend dependencies
# You may skip this step unless you prefer using `pnpm` 
# or `yarn`. _(I personally prefer pnpm the most 🙂)_
npm install

# Step 3: Run the frontend development server
# The frontend is built with Vue 3 & Inertia. 
# To run the development server, run the
# command below:
npm run dev

nvm use 18 # you may use nvm to manage your Node version

Login Credentials

Here are the 2 users available for login

Username: test@example.com
Password: password

Username: test@example2.com
Password: password


Here's a quick demo of the application in action.

Application Demo

ER Diagram

Below is this code challenge's Entity Relationship diagram.

Entity Relationship diagram

📖 Testing

You can run the test suite by running the command below:

php artisan test

The output will look similar to this:
