
Some Docker Volume Plugins that provision really simple swarm aware storage.

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Some Docker Volume Plugins that provision really simple swarm aware storage.

Hosted on Docker Hub


This docker volume plugin provides a simple way to use a single network share as a root storage for multiple docker volumes. To use this plugin you need already to have created a share, currently glusterfs, nfs or AWS EFS are supported. Then, install the apprpriate plugin on your docker instance or docker swarm nodes and configure the details to your specific root share.

This plugin will then expose all subfolders of that share as docker volumes, and docker volume commands can be used to create or remove volumes as required.


Install the plugin by assigning it an alias. Each plugin alias can be configured with different parameters either at creation, or later.

Installing the nfs variant requires NFS_DEVICE in the typical <server>:/<path> format:

docker plugin install chrisbecke/swarm-volume:nfs --alias swarmvol --grant-all-permissions NFS_DEVICE=""
docker plugin set swarmvol NFS_OPTIONS=nfsvers=4.1,timeo=600,retrans=2,noresvport

The alias as it is important when creating volumes from docker or compose.

e.g. to create a volume on the mounted nfs share:

docker volume create --driver swarmvol my-shared-volume

Or from compose.

    driver: swarmvol
    driver: swarmvol
    name: global



The prefix indicates which plugin variant the setting applies to:

KEY Required Description
NFS_TYPE no Defaults to nfs4
NFS_DEVICE yes <nfs-server>:/<path> to the nfs share.
NFS_OPTIONS no -o options
EFS_ID yes The EFS id to mount
GFS_VOLUME yes the name of the glusterfs volume that was created. e.g. gfs-docker-0
GFS_SERVERS yes volfile servers by dns name or ip. e.g.,,


This is sadly not a seamless process. You will need to edit the Makefile appropriate to your environment and then execute make build. Currently only x86 is supported, other platforms will require a custom build.