Resellers Cashback


  • NodeJS > 12
  • MongoDB > 4


npm install

Copy .env.sample to .env and change values. By default, the application will connect to a local MongoDB instance (DBHOST) and launch a webserver on port 3000 (PORT)


npm run start



First, create a reseller and then sign in using its credentials (email and password)

Check if reseller is authenticated

The sign in endpoint returns a token which expires in 24 hours. This should be used as a bearer token. Hit the /auth/profile and a status 200 response with the user data will be returned. There is no revalidation token flow yet.


Use the new sale endpoint providing both code and value from the sale. There is no need to provide the user's CPF because this endpoints requires authentication. A reseller can create a sale entry only for himself. The response won't have the cashback calculated because the process of calculation has been implemented to run asynchronously. To list its sales, hit the list resellers endpoint. This will list the reseller's sales with cashback information.

Cashback credit

To check the reseller's cashback credit, hit the ednpoint /resellers/{cpf}/cashback CPF format can be either with or without special characters.


npm run test

You can also import the postman_collection.json to your API test tool.