
Oracle's World's Largest Raspberry Pi Cluster (that we know of)

Primary LanguagePython

Oracle's World's Largest Raspberry Pi Cluster (that we know of)

Raspberry Pi Super Computer at Open World 2019

This Raspberry Pi cluster contains 1050 Raspberry Pi 3B+ running Oracle Linux and network booting each Pi. Many things have run on the cluster from custom clustering software written by Gluon with a JavaFX app and display, SETTI@home, and GraalVM running Java and GraalPy. Most of the time we disable 26 Pi to get a better number of Pi running on the cluster.


Oracle's World's Largest Raspberry Pi Cluster (that we know of) debuted at Open World/Java One 2019. Two smaller clusters called The Raspberry Pi Mini Super Computer containing 84 Pi went to Open World Dubai 2020 and Open World London 2020.


A lot of people helped make this happen. This is nowhere complete since we had dozens of students from the Silicon Valley 42 school volunteer, Oracle employees would bring their children as friend's well as friends and family that just wanted to be involved. So thank you to (in order of involvement):

Chris Bensen Stephen Chin Gerald Venzl Jasper Potts Roy Feague Vijay Kumar Wim Coekaerts Eric Sedlar Blaine Carter Yolande Poirier Javed Mohammed Linda Bronson Jim Grisanzio Johan Vos José Pereda Gerrit Grunwald Igor Luccic Mike Brave Shaun Smith Stuart Coggins Wojciech Pluta Tim Clegg Jason Lowe Bogdan Farca Victor Martin Rodrigo Bruno Serhii Ivanenko Yassine Lafkih Jeff Smith Victor Agreda Eli Schilling