
Small program to calculate the spreading power of nodes according to an SIR disease spreading model

Primary LanguageHaskell


A small program to calculate the spreading power of nodes according to an SIR disease spreading model.

It's easiest to compile this program with stack by running stack build (or stack install --local-bin-path . to compile it and place the binary in the current directory, if you want).

The program is used like so:

Usage: spreading-power-exe --input INPUT --output OUTPUT [--directed]
                           --seed SEED --iterations ITERATIONS

Available options:
  -h,--help                Show this help text
  --input INPUT            Path to input file
  --output OUTPUT          Path to output file
  --directed               Whether the graph is directed
  --seed SEED              Random number seed
  --iterations ITERATIONS  Number of iterations to run per node

For example ../spreading-power-exe --input network.edgelist --output network.spreading_power --seed 42 --iterations 1000. The input file should contain an edgelist, such as

1 2
1 2
1 4
2 3
2 4
3 4
4 5
5 6
5 7
5 8

where each line corresponds to one link from the first node to the second. By default, the network is interpreted as undirected, that is, if there is an entry u v, then the corresponding link can be traversed in either direction.