
GDI class material for beginner's React.js

Girl Develop It - React.js

Welcome to GDI! See outline and repository guide below.


2 3-hour sessions: 360 minutes of content and practice with 60 minutes of breaks.

  • Day 1
    • What and Why (30 min)
      • What is React?
      • What is React not?
      • Who is using it?
      • Pros
      • Cons
    • ES6 Concepts (30 min)
    • ES5 to ES6
    • React 101 (60 min)
      • Components
      • JSX
      • React Hello World (render component of DOM elements, no props)
    • React 102 (60 min)
      • Unidirectional Data Flow
      • Props and State
      • Styling in React - classes and inline (what are the limitations of classes - why would you want to do this inline)
      • React Name Tags (props and style (no state or events))
  • Day 2

Repo Guide

contents: class material

examples: code samples and step-by-step explanation

toolbox: guides, resources and cheatsheet