
brute-force distributed collaborative prime hunting

MIT LicenseMIT


brute-force distributed collaborative prime hunting

Current state of project: ideation.


Client application

  • authentication not required
  • two modes
    • generate
      • get starting position
      • find primes and composites in range
      • report to datastore
    • verify
      • verify other results, both primes and composites


  • distributed
  • shape
  • possible implementations
    • Firebase


  • the Sieve of Eratosthenes
    export function listPrimesUnder(limit: number) {
      aka the Sieve of Eratosthenes.
      much faster than listFirstPrimes (if you know what you want)
      const length = Math.ceil((limit - 1) / 2);
      const numbers = Array(length);
      // fill the numbers array
      numbers[0] = 2; // only even number
      for (let i = 1; i < length; i++) {
        // all the odd numbers
        numbers[i] = i * 2 + 1;
      for (let i = 1; i < length; i++) {
        const number = numbers[i];
        if (!number) continue; // item has been removed
        // remove multiples
        // can iterate by number (and not number/2) because all evens have already been removed
        // e.g. when number=3, no need to remove 6, as it isn't even in the list!
        for (let j = i + number; j < length; j += number) {
          numbers[j] = null;
      return numbers.filter(Boolean);
    • pick upper limit
    • generate array of odd numbers from 3 to limit
    • start with 3 and iterate up the list
      • remove every multiple of this number from the list (ideally replace with a null or undefined value)
    • after this has been done for the whole list, filter the list of all null/undefined values and return
    • performance
      • tested on Macbook Intel Core i7 2.8 GHz with 16 GB
      • Chrome finds all primes under 10,000,000 in 100ms using native Number
      • Chrome finds all primes under 10,000,000 in 5000ms using native BigInt
  • Hybrid
    • warm up cache: get all primes under a number, probably 1-10 million
    • progressively build up the cache: use sieve until sqrt(upperSearchLimit) is found
    • check lowerSearchLimit to upperSearchLimit with 2 to sqrt(upperSearchLimit).


  • JS
    • Javascript BigInt support is OK, especially for the target audience. Biggest holes: Safari (desktop and mobile), Edge, and IE. CanIUse BigInt
      • should not use BigInt exclusively, as it is 50x slower than Number (see above)
  • Wasm
    • would need a language that can both target WASM and has a BigInt implementation


  • Prime I.T. - "List of prime numbers up to 1000 billion"
  • The Prime Pages - "The 'Guinness book' of prime number records! Includes the 5000 largest known primes and smaller ones of selected forms"