Create tictactoe
Create variables to track turn count, X/O symbols, current player, board, and board spaces
Create functions to display message, switch player, verify move is valid, and make move
Prevent user from activating occupied spaces
Create array of winning index combinations called winning combinations, and set winIndex to -1
Iterate each loop to loop through winning combinations and compare board indexes
Set winIndex to winning array
If statement to check 9 moves and set as tie
function to check === consecutive symbols at board indexes and to verify they !== open
function displays one of two messages if array is returned (winIndex) display currentPlayer as winner/ run showWinFormation function on winIndex otherwise - it's a tie
turn of gameboard listener to prevent user from clicking after game is over, and display Play Again Button
showWinFormation adds a class of 'winning-square' to each square in the winning array
Main Game Functionality play sets index = the square id checks if it's a valid move makes the move if a winning Formation the game is over (tie or winner) otherwise switchs to next players move
return play ends loop
$(document).ready function turns gameboard on, and calls when gameboard is clicked
Primary Game Functionality // play //sets index = the square id //checks if it's a valid move //makes the move //if a winning Formation the game is over (tie or winner) //otherwise switchs to next players move
//return play ends loop
On $(document).ready() gameboard on, and calls when gameboard is clicked