
Primary LanguageShell



Install Fishshell, Oh My Fish, and Fisher

brew install fish
echo /usr/local/bin/fish | sudo tee -a /etc/shells # add to list of shells
chsh -s /usr/local/bin/fish # make default
curl -L https://get.oh-my.fish | fish
curl -sL https://git.io/fisher | source && fisher install jorgebucaran/fisher

Install powerline fonts

Set iTerm font to Powerline version

Install gnu-sed and coreutils

These are required for the Budspencer theme to work correctly

brew install coreutils gnu-sed

Fish config

Create aliases.fish file in ~/.config/fish/ to define custom aliases

Finally, in ~/.config/fish/config.fish:

. ~/.config/fish/aliases.fish # load aliases file

if test (uname -s) = "Darwin"
  set -gx PATH /usr/local/opt/coreutils/libexec/gnubin $PATH
  set -gx PATH /usr/local/opt/gnu-sed/libexec/gnubin $PATH

Set up budspencer theme:

omf install budspencer
omf theme budspencer
set budspencer_colors 000000 333333 666666 ffffff 2981c3 186ecc ff007d d81abe ff6600 da7f1c 29e4c5 18de74
set -U budspencer_nogreeting
set -U budspencer_no_cd_bookmark # https://github.com/oh-my-fish/theme-budspencer/issues/31

Configure rbenv and nvm to work with Fish

fisher install rbenv/fish-rbenv
fisher install jorgebucaran/nvm.fish

_Note: The nvm.fish package does not support automatically sourcing .nvmrc. Set a global default with set --universal nvm_default_version <version>.


Put arrows.json in .config/karabiner/assets/complex_modifications/