Jax NaN

This repo contains code to reproduce a tricky NaN I found while training a neural network. Its contains some slightly modified code from T5X and a script to reproduce the issue.


On a TPU v3-8, install following T5x:

python3 -m pip install -e '.[tpu]' -f https://storage.googleapis.com/jax-releases/libtpu_releases.html

Download the checkpoint from gs://chrisc-public/debug-checkpoint:

gsutil -m cp -r gs://chrisc-public/debug-checkpoint .


python3 main.py debug-checkpoint -a none

Results are finite

python3 main.py debug-checkpoint -a partial-nan

Gradient becomes NaN and intermediate values x-diff becomes > 0, but loss is finite

python3 main.py debug-checkpoint -a nan

Loss becomes NaN

The only thing that changes with these calls is the number of entirely unused arrays passed through the train_step function.