
Auto Generated Documentation of the 2 Drupal Mapping Libraries : Openlayers and Leaflet

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Technical Overview Notes of 2 Drupal Mapping Modules

  • Openlayers, link, version 7.x-3.x
  • Leaflet, link, new version, currently building.

Table of Contents

openlayers/ folder

Contains Auto Generated docs of openlayers objects

openlayers-overview/ folder

Contains Technical Overview Notes of the drupal openlayers module.

Display of Map; php execution flow


Describes the execution flow in php when loading an openlayers map; the beginnings of displaying the map. During php page display; the map div is displayed, the provisioning of assets (css,js,etc.. are added) for each object ( Layers,Sources,Controls,Interactions,Components,Projections,Styles) belonging to the map.

Display of Map; javascript execution flow


Describes the execution flow in javascription when rendering an openlayers map;

Configuration Management through Ctools


Configuration presets – collections of configuration or other types of objects that administrators set up that can then be used in different contexts on a website. In the openlayers module, administrators define maps – objects that are containers for some very complex configuration. These configuration objects are all stored in the database as they are created, but they can also be exported into code, and this is the foundation of the concept of exportables.

For more background on configuration management through ctools. Check this link: How to make configuration objects exportable with CTools

The file openlayers-overview/ctools_export_ui-inventory.md is an inventory of ctools_export_ui integration code that facilitates the configuration management through ctools.

Administration Graphical User Interface


Describes the components that facilitate the openlayers admin gui.