
A development repo for creating singlestack openstack clusters with chef-provisioning

Primary LanguageRuby

OpenStack-cluster with chef-provisioning

This is the testing framework for OpenStack and Chef. We leverage this to test against our changes to our cookbooks to make sure that you can still build a cluster from the ground up with any changes we push up. This will eventually be tied into the gerrit workflow and become a stackforge project.

This framework also gives us an opportunity to show different Reference Architectures and a sane example on how to start with OpenStack and Chef.

At this moment in time we've only tested this with CentOS 6.5 and soon CentOS 7.0 with our stable/icehouse branches, but master and the stable/juno branch will be quickly following. Ubuntu 14.04 support is on hold until the Chef-client 12 is released to deal with some of the service restarting issues.


  • at least Vagrant 1.6.3
  • Virtualbox or something like that that vagrant can use
  • a sane Ruby environment


$ vagrant box add centos65 http://opscode-vm-bento.s3.amazonaws.com/vagrant/virtualbox/opscode_centos-6.5_chef-provisionerless.box
$ git clone https://github.com/jjasghar/chef-openstack-testing-stack.git testing-stack
$ cd testing-stack
$ bundle install
$ bundle exec berks vendor cookbooks
$ ruby -e "require 'openssl'; puts OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new(2048).to_pem" > .chef/validator.pem
$ export CHEF_DRIVER=vagrant

This has also been tested with ChefDK 0.3.5. Simply omit the bundle install command and any bundle exec prefixes.

You need four databags : user_passwords, db_passwords, service_passwords, secrets. I have a already created the data_bags/ directory, so you shouldn't need to make them, if you do something's broken.

You may also need to change the networking options around the aio-nova.rb, aio-neutron.rb, multi-nova.rb or multi-neutron.rb files. I wrote this on my MacBook Pro with an en0 you're mileage may vary.

Now you should be good to start up chef-client!

$ bundle exec chef-client -z vagrant_linux.rb aio-nova.rb


$ bundle exec chef-client -z vagrant_linux.rb aio-neutron.rb # still not complete

If you want a multi-node cluster:

$ bundle exec chef-client -z vagrant_linux.rb multi-nova.rb


$ bundle exec chef-client -z vagrant_linux.rb multi-neutron.rb  # still not complete

If you spin up one of the multi-node builds, you'll have four machines controller,compute1,compute2, and compute3. They all live on the 192.168.100.x network so keep that in mind. If you'd like to take this and change it around, whatever you decide your controller node to be change anything that has the address to that.

NOTE: We also have plans to split out the multi-neutron-network-node cluster also so the network node is it's own machine. This is also still not complete.

$ cd vms
$ vagrant ssh controller
$ sudo su -
# source openrc

How to test the machine is set up correctly, after you source the above: (as root)

# nova service-list && nova hypervisor-list && nova image-list

Boot that image! (as root)

# nova boot test --image cirros --flavor 1

If you would like to use the dashboard you should go to https://localhost:9443 and the username and password is admin/mypass.

If you want to destroy everything, run this from the testing-stack/ repo.

$ chef-client -z destroy_all.rb