
Generate Shins API documetentation from a OpenAPI Yaml file

API Documentation

Convert OpenAPI yaml into a beautiful static documentation for your API.

Shins Is Not Slate

Makes use of:

Clone them in ./api_docs with:

git clone git@github.com:Mermade/widdershins.git
git clone git@github.com:Mermade/shins.git


  • Generate Markup file from OpenAPI YAML
    cd widdershins
    npm install # Only the first time
    node widdershins ../my_files/example-openapi3.0.yaml -o ../shins/source/index.html.md
  • Generate HTML file from Markup file
    cd ../shins
    npm install # Only the first time
    mkdir ../api_docs
    cp -R pub ../api_docs
    node shins.js --minify --output ../api_docs/index.html

You can publish ./api_docs directory.