
Team members

product owner : Anes Ouadou scrum master : Wenyi Lu develope team : Xinzhou Liu, Chen Chen, Jianshen Zhu.

Team Final project explanation vedio:


In this project we designed and implemented a game, in which a hero fights its way through enemey soldiers and genrals The game is two-diemnsional. It is composed of two scenes and can be extended as needed. The game was intened as a depiction of a period of chinese history (the warring state era).

Front scene of the game

However, because we couldn't find game assets of chinese heros and soldiers. we used whatever game assets we managed to

Game assests combination

The knight in shiny armor is the hero. The soldier in the gray armor is an enemy.

Game Engine

For the development of the game, Stencyl game engine was used.

Stencyl game deveopment engine

This engine allows us to develop behavior and physics for each character. It also allows us to develop the logic without having to do the detailed coding.

sample logic screen

Stencyl can be download from this link

The game was developed in three sprints

  1. Sprint1 Sprint1

  2. Sprint2 ![the game as it appears after sprint 2] Sprint2

  3. Sprint3 ![the game as it appears after sprint 3] Sprint3

Downloading and playing the game

  1. Download the game from the Github repository(
  2. Unzip the folder.
  3. Double clic on the .swf file.
  4. Click start.
  5. Use the left, right and up arrow keys to move the fighter backward, forward and jump, respectively.
  6. Press the letter 'T' to perform an attack.