
Code for CS5800 that I teach at Northeastern University.

Primary LanguageC++

* Goal

I keep my sample code for the algorithm class I'm teaching at
Northeastern Unviersity (CS5800). The goal of this is to help students
better understand the algorithms and techniques I cover in
class. Hence, I try to make the code expressive, without worrying
about making it general.

* Programming languages

The code is written in C++/Python/Java. I use unit tests to verify the
corretness of all algorithm implementations. Here are a list of unit
test framework I use for each language.
1) C++: gtest/gmock.
2) Python: unittest lib.
3) Java: JUnit.

* How to execute

1) C++: I've also used cmake to simplify the build process for C++,
and supplied each example with a CMakeLists.txt file (tough you may
need to update the reference location for gmock and gtest lib). In
general, you can follow the following steps to run each example.

  mkdir mybuild
  cd mybuild
  cmake ..

2) Python: unit tests are in file test_*.py (e.g. test_qsort.py is the
unit test for quick sort), to run them simply use

  python test_*.py

3) Java: unit tests are in file Test*.java (e.g. TestQuickSort.java is
the unit test for quick sort), to run them simply use

  java Test*

* Related environment settings

  # gmock
  export GMOCK_HOME=$HOME/lib/gmock-1.7.0

  # cs5800 home directory
  export CS5800_HOME=$HOME/courses/neu-cs5800

  # junit
  export JUNIT_HOME=$HOME/lib/junit
  export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JUNIT_HOME/hamcrest-core.jar

  # apache common lang
  export COMMOM_LANG_HOME=$HOME/lib/commons-lang3-3.3.2
  export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$COMMOM_LANG_HOME/commons-lang3-3.3.2.jar

  # javatuples
  export JAVATUPLES_HOME=$HOME/lib/javatuples-1.2
  export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:$JAVATUPLES_HOME/lib/javatuples-1.2.jar

* Misc

If you find any mistakes or have any suggestions, please reach me at

-Zhifeng Sun