A furry web-browser game that demonstrates quantum superposition and entanglement on IBM's quantum computer.
This game was developed at ICHack19 (Devpost link). We placed 2nd in the "Best Newcomer Category".
You can play with the demo at : http://quantum-kitties.herokuapp.com/
We wanted to learn the fundementals of quantum computing and found the idea of putting "Schrödinger's cats" on the web hilarious.
- Each quantum kitty is represented by 3 qubits.
- At the start of the game, random pairs ("twins") of kitties are entangled.
- The player chooses quantum kittens to put into Schrödinger's quantum black box, i.e. to put these kittens into superposition.
- Backend builds a quantum circuits to entangle kitty twins and put choosen kitties into superposition.
- Sends circuit instructions either to IBM's quantum simulator or one of IBM Q's three working quantum computers.
- Measure the kitties in superposition to find out if the chosen kitties collapsed into a "dead" or "alive" state.
Front-end: HTML, Bulma (CSS Framework), (some) Javascript Back-end: Python on Django, QISkit, Matplotlib
Learning how quantum circuits work.
We learned the basics of quantum circuits.
How to manipulate qubits via quantum circuit gates and build simple quantum programs.
Benevolent ************: twins are spared the horror of Schrödinger's black box.