Data Catalogue

RDO's Stack 2.0 solution for a data catalogue. Check out a live demo with no data here.

Key Elements

  1. Datasets - grouped by Data Domains
  2. Tables - grouped by Datasets
  3. Columns - grouped by Tables
  4. Business Terms


  Dataset ||--|{ Table : contains
  Table ||--|{ Column : contains
  Business-Term ||--|{ Column : "tagged to"
  Dataset {
    int Id PK
    string Title
    string useCases
    string owner
    string pointOfContact
    string dataDomain
  Table {
    int Id PK
    string Title
    string tableDescription
    string updateFrequency
    int parentDataset FK "Dataset"
    string site
    string guid0
  Column {
    int Id PK
    string Title
    string columnDescription
    string dataType
    string businessRules
    int parentTable FK "Table"
    bool isPrimaryKey
    bool isForeignKey
    string codeTable "SharePoint GUID of code table"
    string relatedFactTable "SharePoint GUID of fact table"
    string businessTerm FK "Multi-valued lookup to business terms"
  Business-Term {
    int Id PK
    string Title
    string definition
    string businessRules
    string Source


Home - Search

Users can run a search on the home page to find any resource: dataset/table/column/term.

Domain View

The domain view lists all datasets tagged under that domain.

Dataset View

The dataset view lists all tables that are part of that dataset.

Table View: Table

The table view lists all columns with two view options: (1) tables and (2) cards.

Table View: Cards

Business Glossary

The business glossary view lists all terms. It allows users to run searches to filter the list in real-time.

Business Terms

The business term view displays details about the term, and lists all columns where the given term was tagged.