DISCLAIMER: For workshop / demo / testnet purposes only; has not been audited, don't use this on mainnet, etc.
Today we'll be building an ERC-721 bridge!
Arbitrum is a layer 2 Optimistic Rollup chain that runs on top of Ethereum. It suppots arbitrary asynchronous contract calls:
L1 to L2:
function createRetryableTicket(
address to,
uint256 l2CallValue,
uint256 maxSubmissionCost,
address excessFeeRefundAddress,
address callValueRefundAddress,
uint256 gasLimit,
uint256 maxFeePerGas,
bytes calldata data
) external payable returns (uint256);
L2 To L1:
interface ArbSys {
function sendTxToL1(address destination, bytes calldata data)
returns (uint256);
We will use these arbitrary cross-chain message affordances to build our bridge; we'll be using Goerli / Arbitrum Goerli Rollup Testnet.
The NFT bridge will have similar architecture to Arbitrum "Custom ERC20 Bridge."
2 "Gateway" contracts – one at L1 and one at L2 — are responsible for mapping L1 ERC721s to their L2 ERC721s counterparts, and for enabling deposits and withdrawals.
- ERC721 is deployted on L1 with affordance to register its L2 token address to L1 gateway.
- ERC721 is deployed on L2 with affordance for L2 gateway to mint/burn.
- X chain message: L1 ERC721 registers its L2 address on L1 and L2 via retryable ticket.
- X chain message Deposit to L2 via retryable ticket (escrow token in L1 gateway and mint L2 token at L2).
- X chain message Withdraw via ArbSys/Outbox (burn token at L2 and transfer from escrow at L1.)
git clone
this repo -
yarn install
Add env variables (i.e., to a .env file):
TESTNET_PRIVKEY=xyzxyz GOERLI_RPC=https://goerli.infura.io/v3/infura_key
Complete function bodies in contracts (i.e., do all the
"// DO!"
things) -
Deploy contracts:
yarn hardhat deploy-all ```bash
Test out a register / deposit:
yarn hardhat register-and-deposit