Nutritionix API Python wrapper
pip install nutritionix
Requires Requests.
You'll need an api key and app id which is tied to a developer account at
You may provide these parameters in your code or with the environment variables
First, instantiate the API wrapper object
from nutritionix import Nutritionix
nix = Nutritionix(app_id="123456789", api_key="XXXYYYZZZ")
Or if you have configured the environment variables, simply
from nutritionix import Nutritionix
nix = Nutritionix()
Defining a request is simply chaining a method to the API wrapper instance
pizza ="pizza")
That will return a new wrapper object which will perform a search for pizza.
We can retrieve the parsed JSON results easily by using the json method
results = pizza.json()
All of this could also be written more concisely as'pizza').json()
Of course adding parameters is easy- just pass them as keyword arguments to the method'pizza', results="0:1").json()
And making use of NXQL is also straight forward by using a call to search with no arguments and calling the nxql method with your desired query expressed as keyword arguments (filters, queries, or query)
"nf_calories": {
"lte": 500
fields=["item_name", "item_id", "nf_calories"]
>>>"big mac", results="0:1").json()
{u'hits': [{u'_id': u'513fc9e73fe3ffd40300109f',
u'_index': u'nixProductionV9',
u'_score': 1.1813704,
u'_type': u'item',
u'fields': {u'brand_name': u"McDonald's",
u'item_id': u'513fc9e73fe3ffd40300109f',
u'item_name': u'Big Mac'}}],
u'max_score': 1.1813704,
u'total_hits': 1050}
>>> nix.item(id="513fc9e73fe3ffd40300109f").json()
{u'allergen_contains_eggs': None,
u'allergen_contains_fish': None,
u'allergen_contains_gluten': None,
u'allergen_contains_milk': None,
u'allergen_contains_peanuts': None,
u'allergen_contains_shellfish': None,
u'allergen_contains_soybeans': None,
u'allergen_contains_tree_nuts': None,
u'allergen_contains_wheat': None,
u'brand_id': u'513fbc1283aa2dc80c000053',
u'brand_name': u"McDonald's",
u'item_description': u'7.6 oz (215 g)',
u'item_id': u'513fc9e73fe3ffd40300109f',
u'item_name': u'Big Mac',
u'leg_loc_id': 114,
u'nf_calcium_dv': 25,
u'nf_calories': 550,
u'nf_calories_from_fat': 260,
u'nf_cholesterol': 75,
u'nf_dietary_fiber': 3,
u'nf_ingredient_statement': u'100% Beef Patty...',
u'nf_iron_dv': 25,
u'nf_monounsaturated_fat': None,
u'nf_polyunsaturated_fat': None,
u'nf_protein': 25,
u'nf_refuse_pct': None,
u'nf_saturated_fat': 10,
u'nf_serving_size_qty': 1,
u'nf_serving_size_unit': u'Burger',
u'nf_serving_weight_grams': 215,
u'nf_servings_per_container': None,
u'nf_sodium': 970,
u'nf_sugars': 9,
u'nf_total_carbohydrate': 46,
u'nf_total_fat': 29,
u'nf_trans_fatty_acid': 1,
u'nf_vitamin_a_dv': 4,
u'nf_vitamin_c_dv': 2,
u'nf_water_grams': None,
u'old_api_id': None,
u'updated_at': u'2013-06-28T17:53:50.000Z'}
>>> nix.brand().search(query="mcdonalds").json()
{u'hits': [{u'_id': u'513fbc1283aa2dc80c000053',
u'_index': u'nixproductionv13',
u'_score': 7.1310086,
u'_type': u'brand',
u'fields': {u'_id': u'513fbc1283aa2dc80c000053',
u'name': u"McDonald's",
u'type': 1,
u'website': u''}}],
u'max_score': 7.1310086,
u'total': 1}
>>> nix.brand("513fbc1283aa2dc80c000053").json()
{u'brand_id': u'513fbc1283aa2dc80c000053',
u'created_at': u'2011-07-01 08:45:47',
u'name': u"McDonald's",
u'old_api_id': u'0PewL8juRBSozVk',
u'type': 1,
u'updated_at': u'2013-06-26T11:36:25.468Z',
u'website': u''}