
A jQuery plug-in to spread a number of items over various pages.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Version 1.0.1


Paginator is a jQuery plug-in to spread a number of items over various pages. The items to be paginated must be within a container element (for example, a div), upon which the plug-in is called. If the settings provided to the plug-in mean that more than one page is neccessary, it inserts a ul element immediately after the container which contains at least six li elements; buttons to go to the first page, the last page, the previous page, the next page, and each individual page between.


How to use it

  1. Add jquery.paginator.js to your project, along with jQuery and hashchange.
  2. Add your items to your page, with a container element.
  3. Add the following jQuery to your page, to be executed on load:

...where #pgn-container is a selector for the item container.

A demo is available in demo.html.

Additional settings

Additional settings can be used to customise Paginator, and should be added as a parameter within curly braces:

  • itemsPerPage: How many items appear per page (default 6; must be any integer greater than 0).
  • keyboardNavigation: Whether the pages can be traversed using the left and right arrow keys (default true; must be boolean).
  • prevButtonContent: The contents of the previous page li element (default <; must be a string).
  • nextButtonContent: The contents of the next page li element (default >; must be a string).
  • firstButtonContent: The contents of the first page li element (default <<; must be a string).
  • lastButtonContent: The contents of the last page li element (default >>; must be a string).
  • pageButtonClass: A custom class name for page button li elements (default false; must be boolean false or a string).
  • fadeRate: The rate at which pages fade in and out (default 0; must be an integer greater than or equal to 0 or the strings 'fast' or 'slow').
  • fixedHeight: Whether or not the page container has a fixed height (default false; must be boolean).
  • heightDivisor: A number to divide itemsPerPage (set above) by before multiplying it with the items' height. This value is used as the height of the container when fixedHeight (set above) is true (default 1; must be a number).

An example of these in practice:

		'itemsPerPage' : 4

Paginator adds the page picker elements as li elements within a ul. You can easily customise it using rules for ul#pgn-page-list (items within this list are named li#pgn-page-picker-previous, li#pgn-page-picker-next, li#pgn-page-picker-first, li#pgn-page-picker-last and li#pgn-page-picker-x, where x is the page number).


  • Double-clicking the next or previous page buttons, or clicking adjacent page numbers in quick succession can cause the elements of two pages to be loaded onto the page. This only occurs when fadeRate is set to a value higher than about 80, although it depends how quickly the user can click.

Author and Acknowledgements