ZZZKBot is a bot (AI) for Starcraft: Broodwar. It is designed to compete against other bots. It is not designed to compete against humans. It uses BWAPI as an API for interacting with Starcraft: Broodwar. I am not intending to support/maintain/develop ZZZKBot in future, although I haven't ruled it out either.
- anthu@snowflakedb
- barmiHanshin Univ.
- Chris-RobertsonMelbourne
- dannysuls
- dasosjtBerlin, Germany
- dervos
- DevHunterYZ
- dgantFormerly @FacebookResearch @TorchCraft @ZocDoc
- fabianishere@facebook
- haha337
- ilindDenver, CO
- jrzimmerman@aurora-tech
- Junees
- kaelig@netlify
- krasi0
- lamarquaMontréal, Québec
- lrghustColumbia University
- manpagesSerokell
- mochengBeijing, China
- mortido
- nanxintinHuawei Noah's Ark Lab
- nlinker
- omaruddinWashington, DC
- ottoluMicrosoft Research Asia
- philkuzPixie
- poletaevOmsk, Russia
- RavaellesFullstack Laravel developer
- reppolice
- RothNath
- samjegalSouth of Korea
- setoelkahfiViaplay Group AB
- sylvia43
- tangzk
- testman42
- tobiasbu@topfreegames