This package constructs the elements and irreps of finite volume groups.


To install the package in your python environment you can type 'pip install -e .'. Then the following line should run 'import FiniteVolumeGroups as fvg'.

An example of the basic usage of the library is given in examples/

For more advanced usage see


To run all the tests

coverage run -m pytest
coverage report -m

Running all of the tests takes about 10 minutes on my desktop, the longest test by far is testing the validity of all the irreps.

The tests include

  1. Checks group has correct number of elements
  2. Checks each conjugacy class has the correct number of elements
  3. Check the character table for the group (character of the irrep for each conjugacy class)
  4. Check that each irrep is actual a rep of the group, i.e. a. closed b. associative c. has identity d. has inverse