fourchan-dl can download images and webms from 4chan, 2chan, and other imageboards.
- Automatic rescanning for new images
- Mutliple thread watcher with support for 404 for automatic clenanup
- Built-in thumbnail viewer for downloaded images
- Open/reload/delete options for each downloaded image
- Supports scanning of overview pages (e. g.
- Saves current opened threads, and reload them the next time the program is started
- Crossplatform, written in Qt/C++: supports Windows, Linux, MacOS and other unix flavours
- Built-in application updater
- Support for other imageboards can be added through new plugins
- 4chan
- 2chan
- krautchan
You can create an issue if you want to see other imageboards supported
Or create a pull-request with your new plugin :)
This project is forked from