
Collection of easy to use, beginner friendly but powerful, orthogonal tools to speed up discord bots development (discord.py)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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Collection of easy to use, beginner friendly but powerful, orthogonal tools to speed up discord bots development (discord.py)


  • The batteries of discord.py
  • Easy to read type-hinted code
  • Active development
  • Minimal dependencies


Install the latest version of the library with pip.

pip install -U dpytools

Useful links:

Use Examples:

The library has a couple of reaction menus that are really easy to use. dpytools.menus.arrows takes a list of embeds and displays it using a reaction menu.

async def arrow_menu(ctx):
    This command sends a list of embeds in a reaction menu with emojis aid in navigation
    from dpytools.menus import arrows
    long_list_of_embeds = [discord.Embed(...), ...]
    await arrows(ctx, long_list_of_embeds)

There are multiple checks you can use directly on your commands dpytools.checks.admin_or_roles takes any number of strings (Role names) and ints (role ID) and checks if the person using the command has those roles or has administrator permissions.

from dpytools.checks import admin_or_roles
@admin_or_roles('Moderator', 123456789)
async def moderation(ctx):
    ctx.send('Only admins and people with a a role named "Moderator" ' 
             'or with a role with id 123456789 can use this command')
from dpytools.checks import any_checks

@commands.guild_only()       # This command must be called inside a server
@any_checks                  # Place the decorator above the checks you with to compare using "OR"
@commands.is_owner()         # The command will run if ctx.author is the owner of the bot
@commands.has_role('Admin')  # __OR__ if ctx.author has the role "Admin"
@bot.command()               # this decorator transforms this function in a command any_checks must be above it
async def test(ct):
    await ctx.send('The command works')

There are also multiple argument parsers. Functions that convert a user's input to something more useful. dpytools.parsers.to_timedelta takes a string in the format <number>[s|m|h|d|w] and returns a timedelta object

from dpytools.parsers import to_timedelta
async def mute(ctx, member: discord.Member, time: to_timedelta):
    await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} muted for {time.total_seconds()} seconds")
    mute_role = ctx.guild.get_role(1234567890)
    await member.add_roles(mute_role)
    await asyncio.sleep(time.total_seconds())
    await member.remove_roles(mute_role)
    await ctx.send(f"{member.mention} unmuted")

This argument parsers can also be used outside the context of discord.ext.commands In the end most of them only take a string and return the appropriate object. Only converter classes that inherit from discord.ext.commands.Converter require a command context to work.

There are many other tools available in the library, check them in docs/All.md


  1. Add interactions

Status of the project

Beta. All functions have been tested but new tools are frequently added. Breaking changes may come depending on changes on API or discord. Use in production only after extensive testing.


Feel free to make a pull request or rise any issues.


Message me on discord at ChrisDewa#4552 if you have any questions, ideas or suggestions.