
Pelican version of ghost theme https://github.com/zutrinken/attila

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT



A content focused responsive theme for Pelican.

It is ported from ghost theme attila


Demo blog source code


The recommend way to install is using pelican-themes command.

  • Download latest zip from release

  • Unzip that file

  • Then sudo pelican-themes -U attila . Here attila is the extracted folder name

  • Now list all themes sudo pelican-themes -l

  • Use that theme name in your pelicanconf.py


  • Responsive layout

  • Navigation support

  • Paralax cover images for posts, author archives and blog

  • Author informations for posts and author archives

  • Featured posts (via plugin)

  • Reading progress for posts

  • Automatic code syntax highlight

  • Disqus support

  • Google Analytics, GAUGES and PIWIKI

  • Sharing buttons

  • Open Graph

  • Rich Snippets (JSON-LD)

  • Multiple Code Highlight Styles


The attila docs hosted in attila-docs

Setup a blog

Refer more setting

Here are all configurations about this theme.

Header Covers

You can set cover images for your blog, article, page, tag, category and author. The cover images can be from your relative path or from internet.

Blog Cover

The is the cover image for your site main index.html.

To set blog cover, set the property HEADER_COVER in pelicanconf.py:

HEADER_COVER = '/assets/images/blog_cover.png'

Article Cover

To set different cover image for an article set cover metadata in front-matter.

:title: With Cover Images
:date: 2018-04-29 00:45
:author: arul
:category: foo
:tags: footag
:slug: with-cover-images
:cover: /assets/images/article_cover.jpg

For more refer article .

Page Cover

To set different cover image for a page set cover metadata in front-matter.

:title: Page With Cover Images
:date: 2018-04-29 00:45
:author: arul
:category: foo
:tags: footag
:slug: page-with-cover-images
:cover: assets/images/page_cover.jpg

For more refer article .

Tag Cover

To set cover image for a tag, set the property HEADER_COVERS_BY_TAG in pelicanconf.py:

HEADER_COVERS_BY_TAG = {'food': '/images/food.png', 'drinks':'/images/orange-juice.png'}

Category Cover

To set cover image for a category, set the property HEADER_COVERS_BY_CATEGORY in pelicanconf.py:

HEADER_COVERS_BY_CATEGORY = {'food': '/images/junkie-stuff.png'}

Author Cover

To set cover image for an author, set the property AUTHORS_BIO in pelicanconf.py:

  "zutrinken": {
    "cover": "/assets/images/zutrinken-cover.png"

For more refer author .

Header Color

To define a simple header background color, set the property HEADER_COLOR in pelicanconf.py:

HEADER_COLOR = 'black'

you can use any valid css color. This will be used if there is no cover image set in article level and site level.

This property will be used if there is no cover image set to an article, page, tag, category, author.

Social URLs

Github, Twitter and Facebook URLs set these properties:

SOCIAL = (('twitter', 'https://twitter.com/myprofile'),
          ('github', 'https://github.com/myprofile'),

External feed URL

You can specify an external feed URL (e.g. FeedBurner) in SOCIAL using the rss or rss-square or feed icons. A <link> tag for the external feed will be placed in <head> instead of the default Pelican feeds.

Code highlights

This theme contains this color schemes:

  • Tomorrow - tomorrow.css;

  • Tomorrow Night - tomorrow_night.css;

  • Monokai - monokai.css;

  • Github (Default) - github.css;

  • Darkly - darkly.css;

To customize, define COLOR_SCHEME_CSS in pelicanconf.py with css filename. Example:

COLOR_SCHEME_CSS = 'monokai.css'

User defined CSS

Define CSS_OVERRIDE in pelicanconf.py to insert a user defined CSS file after theme CSS. Example:

Array of CSS you can give

CSS_OVERRIDE = ['css/myblog.css']

User defined script


Author Bio

  "zutrinken": {
    "name": "Zutrinken",
    "cover": "https://arulrajnet.github.io/attila-demo/assets/images/avatar.png",
    "image": "https://arulrajnet.github.io/attila-demo/assets/images/avatar.png",
    "website": "http://blog.arulraj.net",
    "location": "Chennai",
    "bio": "This is the place for a small biography with max 200 characters. Well, now 100 are left. Cool, hugh?"


Accept many analytics:

  • Google Analytics: GOOGLE_ANALYTICS;

  • Gauges: GAUGES


Sidebar Menu

The menu item coming from pelican pages. You have to create pages folder under link::https://github.com/arulrajnet/attila-demo/tree/master/content/pages[content directory]. Whatever articles there in this folder will be pages.

Article Cover

  • To customize header color to articles, insert the metadata color.

  • To customize header cover to articles, insert the metadata cover, otherwise og_image or HEADER_COVER will be used.

  • To customize OpenGraph images, insert the metadata og_image, otherwise cover, HEADER_COVER or a default image from theme will be used.

  • To customize Twitter card images, insert the metadata twitter_image, otherwise header_cover, HEADER_COVER or a default image from theme will be used. Twitter cards will be generated automatically if the twitter account is configured in SOCIAL!

All image paths are relative from the site root directory. You can also use absolute URLs for og_image and twitter_image.

Tag Cloud

Attila renders tags page as a tag cloud.

Use TAG_CLOUD_STEPS configuration variable to specify number of font size steps for the tag cloud. Default value is 5, stylesheet is written to support up to 10 steps. If you want more steps, you’ll need to configure your CSS manually (see CSS_OVERRIDE)

Other configuration

  • GOOGLE_SITE_VERIFICATION - Google site verification token;

  • Set SHOW_FULL_ARTICLE to True to show full article content on index.html instead of summary;

  • Set FACEBOOK_ADMINS to a list of Facebook account IDs which are associated with this blog. For example ['12345']. For more info see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/platforminsights/domains


Author Screen screenshot


Always open an issue before sending a PR. Talk about the problem/feature that you want to fix. If it’s really a good thing you can submit your PR. If you send an PR without talking about before what it is, you may work for nothing.

As always, if you want something that only make sense to you, just fork attila and start a new theme.


Did you liked this theme? Pay my bills and support new features.



Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Peter Amende - Released under The MIT License. Copyright (c) 2016 Arulraj V - Released under The MIT License.

Some background images used from https://github.com/gilsondev/pelican-clean-blog