
Capstone project for Udacity Front End Developer

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Capstop Project

This is my final project for Front End Developer Nanodegree Program.

How it works

  • Enter the city you wish to find.
  • Enter a date or not!
  • It should return the city along with a six day weather forcast with icons to help you.
  • It will also display the lat, and lon of the city with the population as well.

What I used

  • I used Bootstrap to help me with some layouts. But the weather display I used flex to help show my CSS skills.

Stand outs that I added

  • Pull in an image for the country from Pixabay API when the entered location brings up no results (good for obscure localities).
  • Instead of just pulling a single day forecast, pull the forecast for multiple days.
  • Incorporate icons into forecast.

Get Up and Running

git clone -- https://github.com/chrisdrew/travelApp.git --

cd into your new folder and run:

  • npm install

Run dev on your local machine

  • npm build-dev to start the app
  • this app runs on localhost:8080

Run dev on your local machine

  • npm build-prod to start the app
  • this app runs on localhost:8082

Get server running on

  • npm start to start the server