
Trim videos using reactjs https://limistah.github.io/react-video-trimmer

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Amazing React component for manipulating video length.

With the aid of FFMPEG in the browser, it get easier to do amazing things with media content.


See Demo


npm install --save react-video-trimmer


yarn add react-video-trimmer


NOTE: Do import the styles from react-video-trimmer/dist/style.css

import ReactVideoTrimmer from "react-video-trimmer";
  <ReactVideoTrimmer timeLimit={20} showEncodeBtn />


timeRange: Number

Start and end value in seconds the trimmer should restrict to.ti

import React from "react";
import ReactVideoTrimmer from "react-video-trimmer";
import "react-video-trimmer/dist/style.css";

const Trimmer = () => {
  return (
      <ReactVideoTrimmer timeRange={20} />

onVideoEncode: function

Handler that receives the video encoding once it has been encoded

import React from "react";
import ReactVideoTrimmer from "react-video-trimmer";
import "react-video-trimmer/dist/style.css";

const Trimmer = () => {
  const handleVideoEncode = React.useCallback(result => {
    console.log("Encoding Result:", result);
  return (
        timeRange={{ start: 10, end: 100 }}

loadingFFMPEGText: string

A text to tell users that FFMPEG is being loaded in the background.

Default: Please wait...

import React from "react";
import ReactVideoTrimmer from "react-video-trimmer";
import "react-video-trimmer/dist/style.css";

const Trimmer = () => {
  const handleVideoEncode = React.useCallback(result => {
    console.log("Encoding Result:", result);
  return (
        timeRange={{ start: 10, end: 100 }}
        loadingFFMPEGText="Loading required libs..."

React Ref

Pass a ref to access all the static methods of ReactVideoTrimmer methods

import React from "react";
import ReactVideoTrimmer from "react-video-trimmer";
import "react-video-trimmer/dist/style.css";

const Trimmer = () => {
  const trimmerRef = React.useRef();
  return (
      <ReactVideoTrimmer timeRange={{ start: 10, end: 100 }} ref={trimmerRef} />


handleFFMPEGStdout: void

A listener to ffmpeg-webworker FFMPEGStdout event

handleFFMPEGReady: void

A listener to ffmpeg-webworker FFMPEGReady event

handleFFMPEGFileReceived: void

A listener to ffmpeg-webworker FFMPEGFileReceived event

handleFFMPEGDone: void

A listener to ffmpeg-webworker FFMPEGDone event

Converts the returned result into a Blob, before updating the video player

decodeVideoFile: void

  • file: Blob A Blob/File with type matching video/*
  • doneCB: function Called after the decode action is completed

handleFileSelected: void

Called when a valid video file is selected, in turn calls decodeVideoFile for proper handling

  • file: Blob A Blob/File with type matching video/*

handleEncodeVideo: void

Called when a valid video file is selected, in turn calls decodeVideoFile for proper handling

  • file: Blob A Blob/File with type matching video/*

handleDownloadVideo: void

Handler for the Download button onClick event. Downloads the converted video file

  • encodedVideo: Blob Encoded video data converted to Blob

Preloading ffmpeg

ffmpeg.js will not load until the component is in scope. To override this, a preloadWebVideo field has been included to make ffmpeg load ahead of this component mount period.

import React from "react";
import { preloadWebVideo } from "react-video-trimmer";

// It is a function, no other process is required




This library uses the work of the guys at ffmpeg-webworker