
High speed Synchronous and Asynchronous access to InterSystems Cache/IRIS and YottaDB from the Bun JavaScript Engine.

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High speed Synchronous and Asynchronous access to InterSystems Cache/IRIS and YottaDB from the Bun JavaScript Engine.

Chris Munt cmunt@mgateway.com
23 June 2023, MGateway Ltd http://www.mgateway.com

  • Two connectivity models to the InterSystems or YottaDB database are provided: High performance via the local database API or network based.
  • The status of this module is very much 'work in progress' - use with care! In the fullness of time, it is envisaged that mg_bun will contain the same functionality as, and be compatible with, mg-dbx (our addon for Node.js).
  • Release Notes can be found at the end of this document.



mg_bun is an addon for Bun written in C, designed to work through the Bun Foreign Function Interface (FFI). mg_bun is distributed as C source code and the installation procedure will expect a C compiler to be present on the target system.

Linux systems can use the freely available GNU C compiler (gcc) which can be installed as follows.


   apt-get install gcc

Red Hat and CentOS:

   yum install gcc

Apple OS X can use the freely available Xcode development environment.

Installing mg_bun

Unpack the GitHub distribution.

Assuming that Bun is already installed and a C compiler is available to the installation process:

Building from source on UNIX systems (working in the distribution /src directory):


The shared object mg_bun.so will be created.

Installing the M support routines (also known as the DB Superserver)

The M support routines are required for:

  • Network based access to databases.
  • (for the future) Direct access to SQL (either via the API or via the network).
  • The Merge command under YottaDB (either via the API or via the network).

Two M routines need to be installed (%zmgsi and %zmgsis). These can be found in the Service Integration Gateway (mgsi) GitHub source code repository (https://github.com/chrisemunt/mgsi). Note that it is not necessary to install the whole Service Integration Gateway, just the two M routines held in that repository.

Installation for InterSystems Cache/IRIS

Log in to the %SYS Namespace and install the zmgsi routines held in /isc/zmgsi_isc.ro.

   do $system.OBJ.Load("/isc/zmgsi_isc.ro","ck")

Change to your development UCI and check the installation:

   do ^%zmgsi

   MGateway Ltd - Service Integration Gateway
   Version: 4.5; Revision 28 (3 February 2023)

Installation for YottaDB

The instructions given here assume a standard 'out of the box' installation of YottaDB (version 1.30) deployed in the following location:


The primary default location for routines:


Copy all the routines (i.e. all files with an 'm' extension) held in the GitHub /yottadb directory to:


Change directory to the following location and start a YottaDB command shell:

   cd /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r130

Link all the zmgsi routines and check the installation:

   do ylink^%zmgsi

   do ^%zmgsi

   MGateway Ltd - Service Integration Gateway
   Version: 4.5; Revision 28 (3 February 2023)

Note that the version of zmgsi is successfully displayed.

Finally, add the following lines to the interface file (zmgsi.ci in the example used in the db.open() method).

   sqlemg: ydb_string_t * sqlemg^%zmgsis(I:ydb_string_t*, I:ydb_string_t *, I:ydb_string_t *)
   sqlrow: ydb_string_t * sqlrow^%zmgsis(I:ydb_string_t*, I:ydb_string_t *, I:ydb_string_t *)
   sqldel: ydb_string_t * sqldel^%zmgsis(I:ydb_string_t*, I:ydb_string_t *)
   ifc_zmgsis: ydb_string_t * ifc^%zmgsis(I:ydb_string_t*, I:ydb_string_t *, I:ydb_string_t*)

A copy of this file can be downloaded from the /unix directory of the mgsi GitHub repository here

Starting the DB Superserver (for network based connectivity only)

The default TCP server port for zmgsi is 7041. If you wish to use an alternative port then modify the following instructions accordingly.

  • For InterSystems DB servers the concurrent TCP service should be started in the %SYS Namespace.

Start the DB Superserver using the following command:

   do start^%zmgsi(0) 

To use a server TCP port other than 7041, specify it in the start-up command (as opposed to using zero to indicate the default port of 7041).

  • For YottaDB, as an alternative to starting the DB Superserver from the command prompt, Superserver processes can be started via the xinetd daemon. Instructions for configuring this option can be found in the mgsi repository here

Connecting to the database

The first step is to import the mg_bun server class to to your Bun script. The class is implemented in mg_bun.ts. This class provides the 'glue' to the mg_bun addon - which should also be present in your working directory.

   import {server} from './mg_bun.ts';

And optionally (as required):

   import {mglobal} from './mg_bun.ts';
   import {mclass} from './mg_bun.ts';

Create a Server Object

   const db = new server();

Invoking Bun code using mg_bun

   bun run mybuncode.ts

Open a connection to the database

In the following examples, modify all paths (and any user names and passwords) to match those of your own installation.

InterSystems Cache

API based connectivity

Assuming Cache is installed under /opt/cache20181/

       db.type = 'Cache';
       db.path = '/opt/cache20181/mgr';
       db.password = '_SYSTEM';
       db.username = 'SYS';
       db.namespace = 'USER';
       ret ret = db.open();
Network based connectivity

Assuming Cache is accessed via localhost listening on TCP port 7041

       db.type = 'Cache';
       db.host = 'localhost';
       db.tcp_port = 7041;
       db.password = '_SYSTEM';
       db.username = 'SYS';
       db.namespace = 'USER';
       ret ret = db.open();

InterSystems IRIS

API based connectivity

Assuming IRIS is installed under /opt/IRIS20181/

       db.type = 'IRIS';
       db.path = '/opt/IRIS20181/mgr';
       db.password = '_SYSTEM';
       db.username = 'SYS';
       db.namespace = 'USER';
       ret ret = db.open();
Network based connectivity

Assuming IRIS is accessed via localhost listening on TCP port 7041

       db.type = 'IRIS';
       db.host = 'localhost';
       db.tcp_port = 7041;
       db.password = '_SYSTEM';
       db.username = 'SYS';
       db.namespace = 'USER';
       ret ret = db.open();


API based connectivity

Assuming an 'out of the box' YottaDB installation under /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r130.

       var envvars = "";
       envvars = envvars + "ydb_dir=/root/.yottadb\n";
       envvars = envvars + "ydb_rel=r1.30_x86_64\n";
       envvars = envvars + "ydb_gbldir=/root/.yottadb/r1.30_x86_64/g/yottadb.gld\n";
       envvars = envvars + "ydb_routines=/root/.yottadb/r1.30_x86_64/o*(/root/.yottadb/r1.30_x86_64/r /root/.yottadb/r) /usr/local/lib/yottadb/r130/libyottadbutil.so\n";
       envvars = envvars + "ydb_ci=/usr/local/lib/yottadb/r130/zmgsi.ci\n";
       envvars = envvars + "\n";

       db.type = 'YottaDB';
       db.path = '/usr/local/lib/yottadb/r130';
       db.env_vars = envvars;
       ret ret = db.open();
Network based connectivity

Assuming YottaDB is accessed via localhost listening on TCP port 7041

       db.type = 'YottaDB';
       db.host = 'localhost';
       db.tcp_port = 7041;
       ret ret = db.open();

Additional (optional) properties for the open() method

  • timeout: The timeout (in seconds) to be applied to database operations invoked via network based connections. The default value is 10 seconds.

Return the version of mg_bun

   var result = db.version();


   console.log("\nmg_bun Version: " + db.version());

Returning (and optionally changing) the current directory (or Namespace)

   current_namespace = db.namespace([<new_namespace>]);

Example 1 (Get the current Namespace):

   var nspace = db.namespace();
  • Note this will return the current Namespace for InterSystems databases and the value of the current global directory for YottaDB (i.e. $ZG).

Example 2 (Change the current Namespace):

   var new_nspace = db.namespace("SAMPLES");
  • If the operation is successful this method will echo back the new Namespace name. If not successful, the method will return the name of the current (unchanged) Namespace.

Close database connection


Invocation of database commands

Register a global name (and fixed key)

It is not necessary to create a global object to represent a M global name and fixed key (if any), but this method does give better performance - particularly in cases where the same global reference is repeatedly used.

   const global = new mglobal(db, <global_name>[, <fixed_key>]);

Example (using a global named "Person"):

   const person = new mglobal("Person");

Set a record

Using a global object:

   var result = global.set(<key>, <data>);


   person.set(1, "John Smith");


   var result = db.set(<global>, <key>, <data>);


   db.set("person", 1, "John Smith");

Get a record

Using a global object:

   var result = global.get(<key>);


   var name = person.get(1);


   var result = db.get(<global>, <key>);


   var name = db.get("person", 1);

Delete a record

Using a global object:

   var result = global.delete(<key>);


   var result = person.delete(1);


   var result = db.delete(<global>, <key>);


   var result = db.delete("person", 1);

Check whether a record is defined

Using a global object:

   var result = global.defined(<key>);


   var result = person.defined(1);


   var result = db.defined(<global>, <key>);


   var result = db.defined("person", 1);

Parse a set of records (in order)

Using a global object:

   var result = global.next(<key>);


   var key = "";
   while ((key = person.next(key)) != "") {
      console.log("\nPerson: " + key + ' : ' + person.get(key));


   var result = db.next(<global>, <key>);


   var key = "";
   while ((key = db.next("person", key)) != "") {
      console.log("\nPerson: " + key + ' : ' + db.get("person", key));

Parse a set of records (in reverse order)

Using a global object:

   var result = global.previous(<key>);


   var key = "";
   while ((key = person.previous(key)) != "") {
      console.log("\nPerson: " + key + ' : ' + person.get(key));


   var result = db.previous(<global>, <key>);


   var key = "";
   while ((key = db.previous("person", key)) != "") {
      console.log("\nPerson: " + key + ' : ' + db.get("person", key));

Increment the value of a global node

Using a global object:

   var result = global.increment(<key>, <increment_value>);

Example (increment the value of the "counter" node by 1.5 and return the new value):

   var result = global.increment("counter", 1.5);


   var result = db.increment(<global>, <key>, <increment_value>);

Example (increment the value of the "counter" node by 1.5 and return the new value):

   var result = db.increment("person", "counter", 1.5);

Lock a global node

Using a global object:

   var result = global.lock(<key>, <timeout>);

Example (lock global node '1' with a timeout of 30 seconds):

   var result = global.lock(1, 30);


   var result = db.lock(<global>, <key>, <timeout>);

Example (lock global node '1' with a timeout of 30 seconds):

   var result = db.lock("person", 1, 30);
  • Note: Specify the timeout value as '-1' for no timeout (i.e. wait until the global node becomes available to lock).

Unlock a (previously locked) global node

Using a global object:

   var result = global.unlock(<key>);

Example (unlock global node '1'):

   var result = global.unlock(1);


   var result = db.unlock(<global>, <key>);

Example (unlock global node '1'):

   var result = db.unlock("person", 1);

Merge (or copy) part of one global to another

  • Note: In order to use the 'Merge' facility with YottaDB the M support routines should be installed (%zmgsi and %zmgsis).

Global objects must be used to invoke the Merge command.

Merge from global2 to global1:

   var result = <global1>.merge([<key1>,] <global2> [, <key2>]);

Example 1 (merge ^MyGlobal2 to ^MyGlobal1):

   global1 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal1');
   global2 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal2');

Example 2 (merge ^MyGlobal2(0) to ^MyGlobal1(1)):

   global1 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal1', 1);
   global2 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal2', 0);


   global1 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal1');
   global2 = new mglobal(db, 'MyGlobal2');
   global1.merge(1, global2, 0);

Invocation of database functions

   result = db.function(<function>, <parameters>);


M routine called 'math':

   add(a, b) ; Add two numbers together
             quit (a+b)

JavaScript invocation:

  result = db.function("add^math", 2, 3);

Transaction Processing

M DB Servers implement Transaction Processing by means of the methods described in this section. When implementing transactions, care should be taken with JavaScript operations that are invoked asynchronously. All the Transaction Processing methods describe here can only be invoked synchronously.

Start a Transaction

   result = db.tstart(<parameters>);
  • At this time, this method does not take any arguments.
  • On successful completion this method will return zero, or an error code on failure.


   result = db.tstart();

Determine the Transaction Level

   result = db.tlevel(<parameters>);
  • At this time, this method does not take any arguments.
  • Transactions can be nested and this method will return the level of nesting. If no Transaction is active this method will return zero. Otherwise a positive integer will be returned to represent the current depth of Transaction nesting.


   tlevel = db.tlevel();

Commit a Transaction

   result = db.tcommit(<parameters>);
  • At this time, this method does not take any arguments.
  • On successful completion this method will return zero, or an error code on failure.


   result = db.tcommit();

Rollback a Transaction

   result = db.trollback(<parameters>);
  • At this time, this method does not take any arguments.
  • On successful completion this method will return zero, or an error code on failure.


   result = db.trollback();

Direct access to InterSystems classes (IRIS and Cache)

Invocation of a ClassMethod

   const myclass = new mclass(db, <class_name>);
   result = myclass.classmethod(<classmethod_name>, <parameters>);


   result = db.classmethod(<class_name>, <classmethod_name>, <parameters>);

Example (Encode a date to internal storage format):

   result = db.classmethod("%Library.Date", "DisplayToLogical", "10/10/2019");

Creating and manipulating instances of objects

The following simple class will be used to illustrate this facility.

   Class User.Person Extends %Persistent
      Property Number As %Integer;
      Property Name As %String;
      Property DateOfBirth As %Date;
      Method Age(AtDate As %Integer) As %Integer
         Quit (AtDate - ..DateOfBirth) \ 365.25

Create an entry for a new Person

   person = db.classmethod("User.Person", "%New");

Add Data:

   result = person.setproperty("Number", 1);
   result = person.setproperty("Name", "John Smith");
   result = person.setproperty("DateOfBirth", "12/8/1995");

Save the object record:

   result = person.method("%Save");

Retrieve an entry for an existing Person

Retrieve data for object %Id of 1.

   person = db.classmethod("User.Person", "%OpenId", 1);

Return properties:

   let number = person.getproperty("Number");
   let name = person.getproperty("Name");
   let dob = person.getproperty("DateOfBirth");

Calculate person's age at a particular date:

   let today = db.classmethod("%Library.Date", "DisplayToLogical", "10/10/2019");
   let age = person.method("Age", today);

Reusing an object container

Once created, it is possible to reuse containers holding previously instantiated objects using the reset() method. Using this technique helps to reduce memory usage in the Bun environment.

Example 1 Reset a container to hold a new instance:

   person.reset("User.Person", "%New");

Example 2 Reset a container to hold an existing instance (object %Id of 2):

   person.reset("User.Person", "%OpenId", 2);


Copyright (c) 2021-2023 MGateway Ltd, Surrey UK.
All rights reserved.

Email: cmunt@mgateway.com

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.

Release Notes

v1.0.1 (2 August 2022)

  • Initial Release

v1.1.2 (15 June 2022)

  • Introduce the mglobal and mclass classes - designed to be compatible with the equivalent classes in mg-dbx.

v1.1.3 (20 July 2022)

  • Performance improvements.

v1.1.3a (23 June 2023)

  • Documentation update.