Players cannot move abilities from profession to character sheet
Closed this issue · 4 comments
Hi Chris
I have set the permissions for my players as "Player" or "Trusted Player" for ALL permissions, but even then, they cannot drag & drop abilities from the Professions or Foci onto their character sheets. This activity only works if you are a GM or GM Assistant.
Players can Drag & Drop from the compendium, but not from the side loaded professions etc.
I think there is something in the global permissions between GM and PLAYER that is doing this.
Richard N
Hi Richard,
Hmmm...this is weird, and I imagine an artifact of Foundry v9. I confirm what you're seeing, but have no idea as yet, what is causing this. I'll dig in and find out.
Hi @newbyr - could you try updating to v1.3.3 and confirming this fixes it? I've tried it and it appears to work.