
Primary LanguageJava


This project uses java8 and maven3.6. To start uo, use the command: mvn clean thorntail:run

The project start off on port 8080 with context path \api.

A UserResource is the only resource available in this project, this resource is accessible on \api\users.

The following endpoints are available in this project:

  1. GET \api\users\test: Returns a String "Test Endpoint", this does nothing, just helps to tell that the server is up and ready for requests.
  1. GET \api\users: Returns all users as a list of users in the DB with response status 200, this could be empty anyways.
  1. GET \api\users\{id}: Here {id} is a numeric value from 1 on wards, this endpoint returns a single user, with status 200 if it exists in the database, or throws an exception
  1. POST \api\users: This is a create endpoint that takes a JSON body which will be deserialized to a User object. It saves this object and returns the output(saved) User with a response status 201 if successful or throws an exception otherwise.
  1. PUT \api\users\{id}: This is an update endpoint that takes {id} as parameter and a JSON body which deserializes to a User object that will be used to update the user with the given id, returns with status 200, along with the updated user, or throws an exception otherwise.
  1. POST \api\users\authenticate: This takes a LoginDTO, fetches a user by email (a field in the LoginDTO), and validates that the password (another field from the LoginDTO) matches the hashed password of the user fetched. This is an extra endpoint just to show that hashed values of a user password can be compared successfully.
  • NB: For simplicity, all exceptions are returned as Response with status BAD_REQUEST (404)

Attached to this repository is a yaml file (tech11TestEndpoints.yaml) containing all requests tested on insomnia rest client, you can import this file and test with the already defined use cases.