

password-share is a system where a person can send a password to another via a form. I made it after being painfully frustrated about clients texting/emailing me their passwords for services when I've told them not to.

Should I trust it?

Probably not right now. I'm not a crypto expert, and this is my first time using libsodium.

I've got feedback!

Open an issue or send a message to - thank you!


PHP versions that include sodium_* functions: 7.2.0+ including PHP 8


  • Generate your public/private key pairs by running php utilities/create_keys.php at the command line.
  • On the server, create a .env file in the directory above index.php. See .env.example as a template.
  • On the client, create a .env file in the directory above index.php. See .env.example as a template.
  • When a password is submitted, submissions.txt is stored in the directory above your index.php file (and should not be readable by the web server).
  • To read submissions.txt copy it to a local machine and run php read.php or php -S and go to in a browser.


  • Your web server process must be able to read a file and write a file in the directory above the main directory (where index.php lives). This is to read .env and write submissions.txt. The server should not serve files from this directory, though.
  • Don't store both client & server public & private keys in one place after you've generated them. Especially not on the server. Someone who got a hold of your .env and submissions.txt files could then decrypt them.


  • Clean up redundant code, for example loading dotenv.
  • Safety check that we don't have client and server ENV vars in the same environment (with an override, maybe)
  • Show a warning on non-HTTPS connections?
  • "Thank you" page user sees after submitting the form - requires a basic twig template.


Especially to @ParagonIE for their support and work on libsodium and their documentation! (Don't blame them for any issues in my code.)