
Basecamp's Trix rich text editor widget for Django

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Trix rich text editor widget for Django, using Trix 1.2.3.

Using django-trix

django-trix includes a form widget, a model field, and a model admin mixin that enables the rich text editor. You can use any of these methods, but you do not need to use all.q


To enable the editor in the Django admin (or any form) via the model field, use the Trix model field TrixField which inherits from django.db.models.TextField:

from django.db import models
from trix.fields import TrixField

class Post(models.Model):
    content = TrixField('Content')


To enable the editor in the Django admin, inherit from TrixAdmin and set the trix_fields attribute to a list of the fields that use an editor:

from myawesomeblogapp.models import Post
from trix.admin import TrixAdmin

class PostAdmin(TrixAdmin, admin.ModelAdmin):
    trix_fields = ('content',)

Forms and Templates

The editor can be used in forms and templates by adding the TrixEditor widget to a form field:

from django import forms
from trix.widgets import TrixEditor

class EditorForm(forms.Form):
    content = forms.CharField(widget=TrixEditor)

In the template, just use the form as you normally would, but be sure to include the associated media:

<!doctype html>
<html lang="en">
        <meta charset="utf-8">
        <title>Trix Editor Test</title>
        {{ form.media.css }}
            {{ form }}
        {{ form.media.js }}

CSS in head, JS at end of body, because you are a responsible developer.

Attachment Upload

Uploading of attachments uses native Django Storage, if DEFAULT_FILE_STORAGE is replaced with django-storages or some other storage backend it should work as expected.

The upload functionality expects the storage backend to return a complete URL to the attachment.

Uploaded attachments are placed in a randomly named directory along with the file named to a UUID.


It's on PyPI:

pip install django-trix



Add route to urls.py:

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^trixorwhateveryouwant/', include('trix.urls')),