
An awesome collection of .NET Core real time, sample, architecture reference application projects

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Awesome collection of .NET Core realtime, sample, architecture reference application projects

Open-source projects are great for getting started and serve as a good source for architecture reference. There are several open-source ASP.NET Core projects available in GitHub. These projects will help you learn ASP.NET Core technology in-depth, with different types of architecture and coding patterns. Some of the top real-time applications or sample architecture reference projects across different categories are listed below

Realtime Applications

nopCommerce (E-commerce) (GPLv3) - is a popular open-source e-commerce shopping cart application.

OrchardCore (CMS) (BSD 3-Clause) - is an open-source content management system (CMS) framework supporting modularity and multitenancy.

SimplCommerce (E-commerce) (Apache 2.0) - is a modular, microservice-based e-commerce application, built using ASP.NET Core.

grandnode (E-commerce) - Free and Open Source Ecommerce Shopping Cart solution based on ASP.NET CORE and MongoDB

squidex (CMS) (MIT) - is a headless CMS and content management hub, built using ASP.NET Core with OData and CQRS patterns.

Miniblog.Core (Blog engine) (Apache 2.0) - is a blog engine based on ASP.NET Core.

piranha.core (CMS) (MIT) - is a CMS application based on ASP.NET Core.

Blogifier (Blog engine) (MIT) - is a lightweight blog engine written in ASP.NET Core.

Merp (Merp) (AGPL-3.0) - An event-based Micro ERP developed by Andrea Saltarello using ASP.NET Core 3.1

Sample & Reference Applications

eShopOnContainers (Container-based microservices architecture) (MIT) - is a sample reference application demonstrating various architecture patterns of container-based microservices by Microsoft.

eShopOnWeb (Monolithic architecture) (MIT) - is a sample reference application demonstrating monolithic architecture powered by Microsoft.

practical-aspnetcore (Samples) (MIT) - is a practical sample for ASP.NET Core.

EquinoxProject (Samples) (MIT) - Full ASP.NET Core 3.1 application with DDD, CQRS and Event Sourcing concepts

NorthwindTraders (Clean architecture, DDD, CQRS) (MIT)- is a sample reference application for domain-driven architecture using Entity Framework and CQRS pattern.

ReactiveTraderCloud (Reactive programming architecture) (Apache 2.0) - is a real-time trading application demonstrating reactive programming principles.

coolstore-microservices (Kubernetes-based microservice using service mesh) (MIT) - is a sample application demonstrating the use of Kubernetes using a service mesh.

cloudscribe (Multitenant framework architecture) (Apache 2.0) - is a foundation framework for building a multitenant application.

sample-dotnet-core-cqrs-api (Clean architecture) (MIT) - Sample .NET Core REST API CQRS implementation with raw SQL and DDD using Clean Architecture.

clean-architecture-manga (Clean architecture) (Apache) - is a clean architecture sample application.

clean-architecture (Clean architecture) (MIT) - is a clean architecture template.

clean-testing (Clean Testing) (MIT) - is a clean testing sample application.

Dotnet-Boxed (Dotnet Boxed) (MIT) - is a project template.

StarWars (GraphQL sample) (MIT) - is a GraphQL-based ASP.NET Core Star Wars application.

aspnetcore-realworld-example-app (CQRS, Fluent Validation, Automapper) - is a example project demonstrating the use of CQRS, Fluent Validation, Automapper, and Entity framework core.

ContosoUniversityDotNetCore (CQRS) - is a sample project demonstrating the use of CQRS, Automapper, Integration Testing.

modular-monolith-with-ddd (CQRS) (MIT) - Full Modular Monolith application with Domain-Driven Design approach.

EventSourcing.NetCore (Event Sourcing) (MIT) - Example of Event Sourcing in .NET Core

Sennedjem (Clean architecture) (MIT) - Sennedjem CQRS (Command Query Responsibility Segregation), Clean Architecture. RabbitMq, ElasticSearch sample

EventFlow.Example (DDD, Event Sourcing, CQRS) - DDD+CQRS+Event-sourcing example and contains following technology stack: EventFlow, EventStore, RabbitMQ, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Docker

Pos (Microservices, DDD, CQRS) - is a sample project demonstrating the use of microservices.

POPForums (Sample) (MIT) - is a forum application.

Pacco (Sample) (MIT) - microservices solution in .NET Core 3.1 based on the cloud-agnostic approach.

Awesome collection of .NET Core Static Analyzers - static Analyzers using the .NET Compiler Platform (Roslyn) to enforce and improve code quality

Awesome collection of Libraries to build SaaS applications - Awesome collection of libraries to build Software as a Service (SaaS) application using ASP.NET Core

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This list was first posted in Syncfusion Blog