
Relaying all the scores and data you can shake a Mendoza line bat at

Primary LanguagePython


Relaying all the scores and data you can shake a Mendoza line bat at

"I count hits, walks, fielder’s choice, everything. If I hit it good, I count it. By my own system, I batted .643." -Bob Uecker

MLB Battlegrounds

Design Document

Functional View

Command Pseudo Logic
/balance READ balance
/wager [x] [team] READ outcomes where valid
READ balances for users and check if > x
CREATE record for wagers
UPDATE balances
/results READ wagers for users.id where outcomes.date is today and display games.result
/results [week/month/season] As above, with extra factor of outcomes.week == this week OR outcomes.season == this season
/bonus READ users_bonuses where user_id is me and status is active
/use [x] READ users_bonuses and confirm they have x
APPLY bonus to appropriate outcome (balance/wagers/other players etc.)
UPDATE users_bonuses.status to decrement by 1 (allowing multi-use bonuses)
/games READ games where date is today

Problem Spaces

  • How to determine timey stuff:
    • "today"
    • Determine "this week"
    • Determine "this season"
  • Schedule that updates results
    • results for a given game (scheduled job?) (outcomes are resulted)
    • update balance given a result (should be part of above job... python? SQL? print and pencil?)
  • Bonuses
    • Daily job to award "winner(s)" for a given day
    • Job to then look at "streaks" of wagers and/or wins
    • How to apply bonuses? Probably just need to program them - can't think of a way to abstract to database, given they vary in effects
  • Balances
    • Managing this? Better to calc each time or have a table which has the current number at all times, which can be reconciled in a daily job?
  • Edge cases
    • Delays? Daily job held back until "resulted"? Or plow ahead and disregard from "today"
    • Suspended?
    • Doubleheaders - cater for this using the `outcomes.

Database Schema

    USERS ||--o{ WAGERS : places
    WAGERS }o--|| OUTCOMES : on
    OUTCOMES }o--|| GAMES : "placed on"
    USERS ||--|| BALANCE : has
    USERS ||--o{ USERS_BONUSES : gains
    USERS_BONUSES }o--|| BONUSES : "is used"