This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app.


  1. Ensure you have Node.js installed (and npm)
  2. In terminal cd [project-dir] then npm install
  3. npm run dev
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result


  • (20 mins) design: technical considerations (see below), psuedo-code the algorithm (see below)
  • (2 hours) implementation (yeah I went over a little but I wanted to finish ^_^")
  • (10 mins) convert notes to write-up, add to

Task List

My todo list for implementation:

  1. create-next-app (TS), check it runs, gut it
  2. create repo on GitHub, push empty project to remote
  3. add basic input UI: description, grid of images
  4. set image selection on click on image
  5. write main algorithm as per psuedo code (see below)
  6. cast results to table

Psuedo-code Algorithm

for each unselected image (if === then continue):
  for each selected image tag:
    look for matched tag in unselected image tags:
      if yes:
        how similar is it: (1 - Math.abs(selected image score - unselected image score)) * 100 = elementScore (0-100% how similar is this element to the selected image element), cases:
          - (1 - Math.abs(0.9 - 0.8)) * 100 = 90 => 90%
          - (1 - Math.abs(1 - 0.5)) * 100 = 50 => 50%
          - (1 - Math.abs(0.6 - 0.9)) * 100 = 70 => 70%
          - (1 - Math.abs(0 - 1)) * 100 = 0 => 0%
          - (1 - Math.abs(1 - 0)) * 100 = 0 => 0%
          - (1 - Math.abs(1 - 1)) * 100 = 100 => 100%
      if no:
        elementScore = 0
  get average of all elementScore (if total is 0 then set average to 0 instead of dividing)
return array of object: {imageName, averageElementScore}
sort array of objects by object.averageElementScore descending
cycle over array and display table of images with four columns: Rank, image, imageName, imageScore


Technical Considerations

  • create-next-app for quick spin-up (TS), comes with TS & ESLint, also allows easy UI building via React (great for prod UI later), SEO enhanced, etc.
  • TailwindCSS for easy CSS utilities.


To be production ready I'd like to do the following:

  • replace UI workflow with on upload workflow
  • unit tests as per cases (as seen in algorithm above)
  • devops a server for deployment as needed (pipeline into repo, MR, attach ticket/issue, etc.)
  • SEO test the site w/ SEMRush or similar
  • any other user considerations like localisation
  • add end-to-end tests w/ Puppeteer (lib is unit tested) with edge cases (test site like a user ("user can do x"))
  • use Lighthouse & Dev tools to profile and improve any bottlenecks or extra re-renders (signals?)
  • i'd also imagine that values like confidence would come into play in a prod environment (dataset here is all 0 probably for simplicity of the task)
  • to compare likeness of similar tags (e.g. "Evening primrose" being x amount similar to "Evening primrose family")
  • would like to improve type safety as basically just skipped it here in the interest of time