Example Next.js Commerce

Live Site Preview

Visit https://example-nextjs-commerce.vercel.app to see results

Local Development Instructions

This requires you to have Node, NPM, and Git installed on your computer.

  1. Download or git clone this repository
  2. cd to this directory
  3. Run npm install to install necessary dependencies
  4. Run npm run dev to see local dev server version at localhost:3000

Briefing Notes

I come from a Drupal front-end development background, with some Laravel and Vue.js experience. I choose the following languages and technologies for this because the JavaScript ecosystem, specifically JAMstack, is something I have currently have an interest in.

  1. Uses Next.js as a framework for React.js
  2. Styling CSS-in-JS components with styled-components
  3. Cropped and compressed JPG images and removed cruft code from SVG logo/icons

Site Performance Overview

  1. CSS Stats
  2. PageSpeed Insights
  3. Pingdom Tools