
Interface to Lidar Lite for RaspberryPi and ODROID C1

Primary LanguageC


This provides a simple C interface to the LidarLite. It is based on the WiringPi interface. lidarTest.c is a simple test version. If you have any issues, please post to the issues tab.


Install the Wiring library for your board:

Download the Zipfile and extract to a directory

  • run cmake
  • run make

Library interfaces

  • int lidar_init(bool debug); // Initializes system. Param indicates whether to log debug messages.
    Returns file descriptor

  • int lidar_read(int file_desc); // Returns distance. First param is file descriptor from lidar_init

Pin Connections

Double-check these with your latest hardware documentation.

Svr is RaspberryPi or ODROID C1

Svr Desc LIDAR
2 5V 1 (Red)
3 SDA 5
|       | 

5 | SCL | 4 6 | GND | 6