
🌩 Demo of a link shortener running on Cloudflare Workers

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☁️ Link Shortener on Cloudflare Workers

Using the link shortener to shorten a link

This is a link shortener that runs as a Cloudflare Worker. It's the finished code for the Build a Link Shortener with Cloudflare Workers tutorial on DEV.to. To deploy it on your own Cloudflare account, follow these steps:

  1. Clone this repo: git clone https://github.com/mm/cf-shortener.git

  2. Ensure Wrangler is installed on your local machine and authenticate with Cloudflare:

    $ npm i @cloudflare/wrangler -g
    $ wrangler login
  3. In the project directory, copy the wrangler.example.toml file to wrangler.toml. Get your Cloudflare Account ID by running wrangler whoami. In wrangler.toml, replace ACCOUNT_ID_HERE with the account ID you get from Wrangler or the Workers dashboard.

  4. Create the Workers KV namespace for the shortener:

    $ wrangler kv:namespace create "SHORTEN"
    $ wrangler kv:namespace create "SHORTEN" --preview

    Copy the id you get in the terminal output to wrangler.toml in place of ID_HERE, and copy the preview_id you get in the terminal output in place of PREVIEW_ID_HERE.

  5. Deploy the Worker: wrangler publish