Git Exercise

The following practical exercises should give you some familiarity with using Git.

Note: The provided command line examples are to remind you of the correct syntax and keywords, and won't necessarily work if you type them in blindly

Other Note: to get help on a particular git command, use git <command> --help


  1. Create an account (or login) to GitHub at

  2. Install and setup git on your computer (remember to set your name/email)

    $ git config --global "Firstname Lastname"
    $ git config --global ""
  3. (optional) Generate a ssh-key and add it to your GitHub account (for more information see

    $ ssh-keygen -t rsa -C ""
    $ cat ~/.ssh/
  4. Fork this repository:

Exercise 1: Making Commits

  1. Clone the forked repository to your computer

    $ git clone <url>
  2. Edit file my-fave-movie.txt, add your nick name, your weekend workshop city, and your favorite movie or series.

    $ git add <file>
  3. Commit the file

    $ git commit -m "message"
  4. Examine the state of your repo with git status.

    $ git status
  5. Edit and save your file, then add it to the staging area. Finally make a new commit with the edited file. At all stages use git status to see how your repository changes

    $ git add <file>
    $ git commit -m "message"
  6. Make some more commits and view the log

    $ git log 
  7. Commit everything you have done so far

    $ git commit -a -m "message"
  8. Push the commits to the server

    $ git push

Exercise 2: Branching and Merging

  1. Create a new branch

    $ git checkout -b new_branch
  2. Edit your new file and commit the result

  3. Swap back to the master branch

    $ git checkout master
  4. Merge new_branch to master

    $ git merge new_branch
  5. Now create conflicting commits in new_branch and master and try to merge them. Note the conflict-resolution markers will look something like this.

    <<<<<<< HEAD
    This is the new line in master
    This is the new line in branch
    >>>>>>> branch
  6. resolve the conflict (i.e. edit the conflict markers to match how you want the file to look like) and commit the result. Use git log to see the resulting commits on the master branch.

Exercise 3: Collaboration

  1. Push the new branch that you created in the previous exercise to your remote repository

    $ git push origin new_branch
  2. Get the person sitting next to you to clone your repository and checkout your new branch.

    $ git checkout --track origin/new_branch
  3. Both of you make commits to the new branch. Have one person push their commits to the remote and the other merge these with their own commits. Swap roles and repeat the process.

  4. Once you are happy with the state of your new branch, merge it onto your master branch and bask in the glow of your new Git skills.