
Add blog database tables to a Laravel app

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Add blog database tables to a Laravel app

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Table of Contents


This package is a blogging database with maxed out models, migrations and seeders to help get you setup. After the package is installed the only thing you have to do is add the HasPosts trait to an Eloquent model to associate the users.

Here are some code examples:

// Alias namespace path:
// Chriscreates\Blog\Post
// Chriscreates\Blog\Category
// Chriscreates\Blog\Tag
// Chriscreates\Blog\Comment

// Search by the short whereCategories method OR use whereCategory() and specify the field
$results = Post::whereCategories($categories = null)->get();
$results = Post::whereCategory($field, $operator, $value)->get();

// Search by Category ID OR IDs
$results = Post::whereCategories(1)->get();
$results = Post::whereCategory('id', 1)->get();
$results = Post::whereCategories([3, 6, 7])->get();
$results = Post::whereCategory('id', [3, 6, 7])->get();

// Search by Category name OR names
$results = Post::whereCategories('Izabella Bins II')->get();
$results = Post::whereCategory('name', 'Izabella Bins II')->get();
$results = Post::whereCategories(['Izabella Bins II', 'Osborne Fay'])->get();
$results = Post::whereCategory('name', ['Izabella Bins II', 'Osborne Fay'])->get();

// Search by Category model or a Category Collection
$category = Category::where('id', 7)->first();
$results = Post::whereCategories($category)->get();
$categories = Category::whereIn('id', [3, 6, 7])->get();
$results = Post::whereCategories($categories)->get();

// Search by related Post (tags or category)
$post = Post::find(8);
$results = Post::relatedByPostTags($post)->get();
$results = Post::relatedByPostCategory($post)->get();

// Search by published Posts only

// Search by unpublished Posts only

// Search by scheduled Posts only

// Search by drafted Posts only

// Order by latest published


This package requires Laravel 5.8 or higher, PHP 7.2 or higher and a database that supports json fields and MySQL compatible functions.


Note: Laravel Blogger requires you to have user authentication in place prior to installation. For Laravel 5.* based projects run the make:auth Artisan command. For Laravel 6.* based projects please see the official guide to get started.

You can install the package via composer:

composer require chrisjk123/laravel-blogger

Publish the primary configuration file using the blog:install Artisan command:

php artisan blog:install

This is the contents of the published config file, if your User class is within a different directory or has a different primary key it can be changed here.

| User relations
| This is the default path to the User model in Laravel and primary key.
| You are free to change this path to anything you like.

'user' => [
    'user_class' => \App\User::class,
    'user_key_name' => 'id',

Optionally you can follow the artesaos/seotools guide to help provide some common SEO techniques for your public frontend:

{{-- Within the head of your app.blade.php file --}}
{!! SEOMeta::generate() !!}
{!! OpenGraph::generate() !!}


Run the tests with:

composer test


All you have to do is add the HasPosts to your User model to get started.

namespace App;

use Chriscreates\Blog\Traits\User\HasPosts;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Auth\User as Authenticatable;
use Illuminate\Notifications\Notifiable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use Notifiable, HasPosts;

    // ...

// Retrieve the posts created by the user(s)

// Retrieve the comments created by the guest/user(s)
{{-- Print the published post markdown content --}}
{!! $post->parsed_markdown !!}

Furthermore, in the configuration file, the default is set to true for allowing both user and public commenting on posts is set here.

 | Post commenting options
 | The default for commenting on posts is enabled, as well as guest
 | commenting. Feel free to change these conditions to false.

'posts' => [
    'allow_comments' => true,
    'allow_guest_comments' => true,

You can get setup quickly by using the blog:setup Artisan command. This publishes the routes, controllers and views. Optionally you can seed the database with factory() data by specifying the data --data option.

php artisan blog:setup --data


Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.


If you discover any security related issues, please email christopherjk123@gmail.com instead of using the issue tracker.



The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.