- 0
- 1
Grabber redesign
#25 opened by chrisjseaton - 0
- 1
- 0
Move the robot status bits from the robot controller to the world/robot model
#21 opened by chrisjseaton - 1
ManualController broken
#29 opened by chrisjseaton - 1
- 1
Motor braking can and should be implementing with the existing motor code.
#23 opened by chrisjseaton - 1
- 2
- 2
- 4
Vision seeing things triple
#26 opened by TeunK - 1
- 1
Optimise serial read timeout in
#16 opened by chrisjseaton - 0
Hardcoded values in vision code should at least be pulled into some common area, or otherwise made defaults.
#9 opened by chrisjseaton - 1
- 3
- 2
RGB calibration in vision UI
#18 opened by chrisjseaton - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Pass kick power needs to be tuned
#15 opened by chrisjseaton - 2
OpenCV install script can fail if ther directory already exists/has been created by another user
#7 opened by cirrahn - 0
OpenCV putText and line functions don't appear to take float arguments, even though last year's code shows that they do.
#6 opened by chrisjseaton - 0
- 2
Too many 'guides' in the readme files - a wiki (i.e. confluence or the github wiki) would be more appropriate
#4 opened by chrisjseaton - 1
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