TS Boilerplate Azure Functions

A boilerplate template for Azure Functions TypeScript projects.

Directory structure

Configuration goes in the root directory. Azure Functions require function definitions in the root directory. Use the VS Code Azure Functions extension to create Azure Functions. Shared source code goes in the shared directory.


Rename the local.settings.sample.json to local.settings.json and fill with your values.

In shared/cosmos-db/configuration rename cosmos-db.config.sample.ts to cosmos-db.config.ts and fill with your values.


To run the project, execute the command npm start. This command uses starts a local Azure Functions runtime. The runtime reads settings from local.settings.json.


Debug the project by running the "Attach to Node Functions" configuration from the VS Code debug menu.


Test files sit in the same directory as their corresponding source files. The test filename should match the source filename with the addition of .spec e.g. app.ts would have an app.spec.ts test file. This project uses the Jest Testing Framework. Configuration for Jest exists in the jest.config.js file.

To execute tests, run npm test. To execute tests in watch mode, run npm test -- --watch.

To debug tests, select the "Jest All" or "Jest Current File" configuration from the VS Code debug menu.


We utilize ESLint to find problems and enforce rules. We use the Prettier ESLint plugin to format code. Both tools fix problems automatically when possible.

Configuration for ESLint exists in the .eslintrc.js file. The configuration includes plugins to support linting TypeScript and JSDoc comments, as well as integration with Prettier. These plugins are NPM packages. Configuration for Prettier exists in the .prettierrc.js file.

To execute the linter, run npm run lint.

For VS Code users, install the dbaeumer.vscode-eslint and esbenp.prettier-vscode VS Code extensions to lint as you code.

Git hooks

To enhance code quality, the Husky Git hook library runs linting and test scripts upon the execution of certain Git commands. Configuration for Husky exists in the .huskyrc.js file.


The project is configured to use the log4js logging library. Import the pre-configured logger into your module:

// From the ./src/index.ts file.
import logger from './core/logger.service';

logger.trace('Entering testing');
logger.debug('Received response.');
logger.info('Config is 10.');
logger.warn('Not looking good.');
logger.error('Something bad happened');

The logger will log to standard output as well as the logs directory.