
Create a php-fpm and nginx instance using ansible

PHP-FPM + Nginx + Mongo + Redis Ansible Playbooks

Configure a server with php-fpm and nginx. This saves time from having to set-up a server manually.

It leaves the server in a state where the /var/www/html directory is empty ready to be populated by a php project, e.g. via a pipeline.


  • Installs php from source, so can easily keep php up to date
    • See var php_source_version to build & install another version of php (see playbooks/php/vars/main.yaml)
    • You can override this at install time, using -e php_source_version=php-7.4.8 flag on ansible-playbook
  • Nginx is configured to point to fpm running on
  • The site directory is /var/www/html, with the site root set to /var/www/html/public
  • Mongo is installed and listening on localhost
  • Redis is installed and listening on localhost


Create an instance (e.g. linode vps) copy its ip address Note: This assumes an Ubuntu based image, though any debian based image may work too.

Update inventory.yaml with the ip address of the target server (add multiple ips, one on each line, if you need to set-up multiple servers).

Install ansible requirements (roles)

ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml

Verify access using ansible ping

For example, if your vps ip address is

ansible -i inventory.ini targets -m ping
The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:85UXi/Dpo+6v/9ZMVuMhBKSbVrxeUwp0azKkMw/kDHk.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes | SUCCESS => {
    "ansible_facts": {
        "discovered_interpreter_python": "/usr/bin/python3"
    "changed": false,
    "ping": "pong"

Installation of php with fpm & nginx

  • Install ansible
  • run ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml


Run the playbooks

  • Installs php with php-fpm
  • Installs nginx with default site using php-fpm's engine
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/nginx/nginx.yaml;
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/php/php-fpm.yaml;
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/mysql/mysql.yaml; # see configuration notes
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/mongo/mongo.yaml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/beanstalkd/beanstalkd.yaml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/redis/redis.yaml
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/php-redis/php-redis.yaml

# Or, run all playbooks in one go:
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/main/main.yaml


Each playbook has a vars/ directory for config.

Mysql setting database name and password

Rather than hard-code passwords in the repo (see playbooks/mysql/vars/main.yam for default user and database created), you can specify the database(s) and user(s) to be created at the command line for example:

Ensure mysql has a database created called test_db with a user will all permissions to that database with the username test_user and password password

ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini playbooks/mysql/mysql.yaml --extra-vars='{
  "mysql_databases": [
      "name": "test_db",
      "encoding": "utf8",
      "collation": "utf8_general_ci"
  "mysql_users": [
      "name": "test_user",
      "host": "%",
      "password": "password",
      "priv": "test_db.*:ALL"

Manual steps :(

Summary Note Some of these steps should/coud be handles by a pipeline

  • Clone the php repo (e.g. a Laravel repo)
  • Run composer install (yes, as root for now)
  • Copy .env file over
  • Generate or set application get (Laravel only e.g. php artisan key:generate)
  • Set ownership to www-data (because php-fpm is running as the www-data user)

Clone repo

Clone the php repo in the empty html folder: /var/www/html

  1. git clone <repo> /var/www/html If you can't clone: Generate a key (ssh-keygen) and add cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub to your repo as an allowed key

Run composer install

  1. cd /var/www/html
  2. mkdir bootstrap/cache (if laravel and directory not present)
  3. composer install

Env file

Place the .env file in the /var/www/html directory

Set ownership of the repo to www-data

  1. cd /var/www/html
  2. chown -R www-data ./
  3. Restart php-fpm systemctl restart php-fpm.service