
Sprout coding challenge

Primary LanguagePython


Tasks specified in a tasks.csv are scheduled to workers specified in json form as below:

{"Cho Chang": "engineer",... , "Susan Bones": "architect"}

A high level handler function task_scheduler.schedule takes as arguments a pandas.DataFrame of tasks and a dict of workers data as above and manages how the tasks are assigned to individual workers through a task quota assigning function quota_func. Different quota functions can be specified with optional arguments resulting in a task quota dict as below:

{"Cho Chang": {"engineer": 76}, ..., "Susan Bones": {"architect": 124}}

Unassigned tasks are then assigned by a simple assign_tasks function according to the quota data. The pandas.DataFrame tasks is returned modified in place with all unassigned tasks assigned.


virtualenv -p python3 .venv
source .venv/bin/activate
python3 -m pip install .


Unit tests.

python3 -m unittest discover -s task_scheduler/tests

Code style tests.

python3 -m pip install flake8
python3 -m flake8 task_scheduler/ --ignore E501 && echo "Code clean." || echo "Code dirty!"


As package

from task_scheduler.schedule import schedule, schedule_uniform_by_type
from task_scheduler.io import load_csv_data, load_json_data

if __name__ == '__main__':
    tasks_path = 'task_scheduler/tests/data/tasks.csv'
    workers_path = 'task_scheduler/tests/data/employees.txt'
    tasks = load_csv_data(tasks_path)
    workers = load_json_data(workers_path)
    tasks = schedule(tasks, workers, quota_func=schedule_uniform_by_type)